Sunday, March 01, 2009


I suspect about 25% of the US population would smoke pot if it was legal.
Probably at least 10% regularly.

Count me in with BIll Buckley on this one.

Tax the equivalent of 5 joints worth at $15. Use the same administration as taxing alcohol. That would work out to about $675 million per weekend if 15-17% used it one weekend night. If NO ONE ELSE SMOKED during the week that's > 20 billion a year. But that won't be the case , will it?

To pay the 3.7 trillion off in a year we need to smoke 175 times that (if you think about it that way the bill for the stimuli and bailouts are quite a bender). But we don't need to pay it off in 1 year, we just need to be able to pay the T bills in the 5-7 year range. And the debt increase itself has usually been estimated to be in the 1.7 trillion range.

It's a big start.

We need incremental income as a nation, and this is one way to find it.

Taxing the people, businesses, inventors, entrepreneurs and risk takers who jump start things won't help us make a thing. Increasing govt revenue through confiscatory income and other taxing will NOT get us out, it will COLLAPSE the USA, and then the world.

People are smoking it.

There no law which will stop it.

Legalize it and tax it.

Reduce crime, graft and bribes and corruption.

Pay off the debt.



Anonymous said...

As if I didn't have enough to worry about as I drive my kids to t-ball practice/games and ponder my taxes, I now have to consider who's behind the wheel sharing the same road while under the influence of this fast pay tax scheme? Great, just great.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Apologizes for Denying Holocaust

ROME — A Catholic news agency says that a British bishop who had denied the Holocaust has apologized for his remarks.

Bishop Richard Williamson was shown in a Swedish state TV interview saying historical evidence indicates there were no Nazi gas chambers and that a maximum of 300,000 people died in concentration camps in the Holocaust.

The remarks caused widespread outrage.

Pope Benedict XVI had lifted a 20-year-old excommunication decree imposed on Williamson and three other bishops who had been consecrated without Vatican approval.

The Zenit Catholic news agency said Thursday that Williamson expressed regret for the statements.

It quoted him as saying that to all who took offense, “before God I apologize.”,2933,501144,00.html

Epaminondas said...

Anon#1 ..r u kidding?


That's the whole point

Anon #2 ..

I don't buy the apology

Pastorius said...

Anon 2,
If I'm not mistaken, the Vatican didn't buy that apology either, did they?

Pastorius said...

I do not smoke pot. I don't enjoy it.

But, I'm in agreement with you on this.

Anonymous said...

Epa -

Ditto Pasto.

I probably would be described as an "evangelical" Christian, but I am more of a "libertarian" conservative politically.

There is a lot of research on pot use and apparently in most cases it is not any more of a "gateway" drug (the argument against legalization in the 80') than alcohol is.


Anonymous said...

I would totally smoke pot if it were legal and readily available, or even affordable and readily available.

Not only is this a great way for the government to make money, but it's also a great way to help agriculture. In addition, it will save us all a ton of money since we incarcerate potheads for no reason, plus, now that medicine is socialized this should help with that, too. It's cancer treatment, for cryin' out loud.

Then again, I think that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store.

Anonymous said...

Medical marijuana laws are sensible, compassionate, and supported by people from all sides of the political spectrum. It is time for Texas to address the issue of medical marijuana.Just as prohibition was ultimately shown to promote gangs, illicit trafficking and even murder, so it is with marijuana. Billions are wasted each year in an unsuccessful fight to keep otherwise law abiding citizens from obtaining and using a substance which in its very nature is less harmful than alcohol. With a full blown depression looming, it is time to look at this issue from a humanitarian and fiscal point of view. Lets let Texans enjoy the same freedoms as 11 other states who have passed decriminalization bills.