Monday, March 02, 2009

This Week's Cover Of Newsweek


Article HERE.

Take your Pepto Bismol before reading the article.


Always On Watch said...

According to Creeping Sharia, the Arabic on the cover of the magazine, with Hamas and Hezbollah colors, states 'Live with Radical Islam'.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely not a fan of Fareed Zakaria but I do agree with his last exerpt: "The truth is that all Islamists, violent or not, lack answers to the problems of the modern world. They do not have a world view that can satisfy the aspirations of modern men and women. We do. That's the most powerful weapon of all."

Natasha said...

And to the Islamists I would say,

they must and WILL learn to live with this:

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10,11).

Oh, and of course, yes, we Do have a sword, a far more powerful Sword!

Revelation 19:11-12
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Revelation 19:13
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Revelation 19:14-16
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

'The word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword' (Heb 4:12).

and, what God says about His case the Islamists don't believe it won't accomplish what God sets forth to do

'My word ... will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish that which I please ...' (Isaiah 55:11).

Take heart soldiers! God may allow the enemy for a short time, to purify His people,

but don't matter HOW DARK it looks,

GOD WILL BE VICTORIOUS. And the false gods [including the one of Islam, Allah] will be broken like a pottery of clay.

So no matter how loud they roar or how much blood they shed, or terror they spread


To give you hope, I leave you with this, may this song inspire you and encourage you...

[if you go to the WAMI blog you'll see a lot of changes, its now the blog that will address that God is no Misogynist, exposing the Lies of false religions simply by showing God's Word, how kind and loving He is to women,

that's right. And to the poor, I've searched it all, Islam is a snare of the devil, that has ensnared millions,

Satan is a liar and the Father of lies.

God's Word is powerful to expose the darkness. We must fight dhimmitude on all fronts and stay strong,

and do not love this life or this world...there is only ONE God that I'll submit to,

and it isn't Allah, Moloch and Baal. [interesting if you read Old Testament, just how related the generational lines are between those]

here you go,

to strengthen you fellow soldiers. BE STRONG!

Pastorius said...

Nazis are a fact of life. Learn to live with them.

Anonymous said...

I was literally afraid to scroll down and look...

Fareed Zakaria.

Why am I not surprised.

Excuse me, but am I supposed to take this taqqiya-spouting weasel at his word when he claims to hold the best interests of the West at heart? We are supposed to defeat the Islamists by our example, are we? If that is the case, how did the fucking Islamists ever get to where they are now in the first place? And now we are going to set them an example how? By turning the West into a collectivist censorship-ridden Sharia-friendly wasteland?

Zakaria, as usual, is playing to what he knows to be the uninformed, essentially shallow and PC, don't-bother-me-I-haven't-got-time-to-think-I-have-to-figure-out-how-I'm-going-to-make-the-payments-on-the-42-inch-flat-screen Newsweek reader. Tell them what they want to hear and they'll go right back to sleep. The Dear Leader "in power" now. He'll make everything all right. He knows how to deal with these here Muslims.....

WC said...

Nothing new from the Libtards.

We can live with Nazi Germany
We can live with the USSR
We can live with Islam

Always On Watch said...

Yes, the last paragraph is a bright spot in the article.

But the rest?


Always On Watch said...

And now we are going to set them an example how?

Hasn't worked to any extent so far and will not work, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Time is on our side? With the way demographics are shifting, in Europe in particular, I highly doubt that. If the Taliban and other groups didn't have global aspirations for Islamic rule, then why would any of us give a damn? The part that I agree with in the end of the article, which I quoted above, practically says that the mindset of Islam is stuck in the 7th century. Well, Mr. Zakaria, if we agree that Islam is stuck in the 7th century and that the mindset of Islam in the 7th century was to spread and dominate the world, how can groups like the Taliban not have global aspirations?

Always On Watch said...

Clearly, time is not on our side.

The last part of the article will not be noticed and understood by readers because the rest of the article masks the threat.

maccusgermanis said...

They do not have a world view that can satisfy the aspirations of modern men and women.

But that apparently they do. If the writer is to be thought of as a modern man, then his aspirations in regard to the Taliban seem to have been easily enough satisfied. While stoning their own women, we should be content that though harboring the command and training elements, no Taliban aided materially in 9/11. I suppose they would have had to have created box cutters in order to have aided significantly.

The article is a mess, once saying that under Bush we've aligned ourselves against all radical islamist, while using the alliance of same to suggest how we might have done better. It is true that islam can not compete on any open market of ideas, but with dissenters facing stonings within Dar Al Salaam and facing legal censorship in Dar al Harb, the marketplace of ideas is closing rather than expanding. Time would be on our side, if we'd reject all forms of self censorship, and bootlicking validation of barbarity. Otherwise, in the face of timidity, they grow.

Epaminondas said...

The staggering ARROGANT EGO and ETHNOCENTRIC intelligentsia in ASSUMING that radical Islam

a) Wants to live with them
b) Wants SIMILAR lives to them
c) Is like the USSR .. deterrable


Do these gavones think Samuel Huntington a fool?

Always On Watch said...


This gets so weary, doesn't it?

Always On Watch said...

Time would be on our side, if we'd reject all forms of self censorship, and bootlicking validation of barbarity. Otherwise, in the face of timidity, they grow.

The West has plenty of cards to play, but will not play those cards. ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

Epaminondas said:

“The staggering ARROGANT EGO and ETHNOCENTRIC intelligentsia in ASSUMING that radical Islam

a) Wants to live with them
b) Wants SIMILAR lives to them
c) Is like the USSR .. deterrable”


I learned that this belief was total bullshit as a kid. I remember, as a kid in the mid 90s, visiting Israel during the so-called “peace process.” As all of us know during that period, Hamas launched wave after wave of suicide bombings all over Israel and I stayed faw away from busses. I remember after one particular suicide bombing on a bus, the news showed an interview of the suicide bomber’s mother. As a 10 year old with little experience of the world, I expected the mother of the bomber to act in a way that one would expect most mothers to act. I thought she would grieve for her son, express her highest regret for his misguided actions, and give her utmost heartfelt apologies to the victims of the atrocity. Little did I know at the time, all she would do is rant and rave about how proud she was of her son, how she wished all her seven sons could be “martyrs” like him, and how her main regret is that he didn't kill more Jews. I was extremely shocked by the mother’s comments, but the more frequently I saw the news there, the more I learned how common such a perception is in the Muslim world. This is something that we seldomly, if ever, see in the Western media. And that, fellow infidels, was my introduction to the Islamist mindset.

Anonymous said...

Effing Zakaria ("Fareed" is such boring name...)


"We can better pursue our values if we recognize the local and cultural context, and appreciate that people want to find their own balance between freedom and order, liberty and license." Oh, well then why shouldn't we accept the stoning of criminals, the burning of girls' schools (and girls), the violent enforcement of the veil, Effing, I mean, like, it's all just "cultural context" and, like, we all know multiculturalism is good and we shouldn't be forcing ideas from DWEM's about stuff like freedom of speech if it upsets the poor little seekers in Pakistan trying to find their way between "freedom and... license", right?

Zakaria is counting on many facts about the majority of his audience, none of them flattering. He is telling intellectually lazy, wishful thinking, PC-compliant products of public diseducation exactly what they want to hear. His rhetoric about mounting "a spirited defense of our views and values" is aural pablum designed to make these fools believe that all we have to do is make nice and be patient and it will all work out to our advantage in the end.

It would be merely pathetic if he actually believed this crap he has written. He does not. This article is dissemination of enemy propaganda start to finish and I refuse to believe that he does not know it. Most of the time it is wise not to mistake stupidity for malice. But sometimes it is the other way around.

midnight rider said...

Why Reveree, that would make him nigh unto guilty of sedition, treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. In short, a member of the American Press.

Yeah, I'll buy that.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to us trying to pin it on him now -- but I can see this guy revealing his true colors soon as he thinks it's "safe", heh...

midnight rider said...

They wouldn't try to pin it on him. He's one of their elite. One of their golden (???) haired understanders of the misunderstanders of their religion.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's just the point isn't it, Snoozeweek? Because "living with it" is not really "living" at all in the Western Civilizational sense.

Well sure, one can surrender to it, and perhaps quietly eek out a shameful existence on the margins of the resulting Islamic order - and especially by not displaying any high infidelity to your sensitive Islamic overlords, but that isn't living in the human sense is it.

So again we're left with no other choice but nuts, nuts, and more nuts. Nuts deep. Make 'em weep. And don't lose a bit of sleep.

DMartyr said...

Did you see the map? Israel is listed as "Palestinian Territory".

Hmmm... I smell an agenda.