Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Value of an Open Mind


Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

I've actually seen this video before, however, its very well done, and I agree with it in total.

Damien said...

I'm glad you posted it here.

Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

I can't remember who said it but I think it was a famous skeptic who said that "we shouldn't be so open minded that our brains fall out."

Anonymous said...

It's a good video...
however, don't forget that everything was sacrificed in the face of $$$. Our governments opted for globalisation, $$$ and HYPOCRISY rather than patriotism.
Bush started a dirty war FOR OIL wasting 1000s of American lives and the billions of $$$ from the pockets of the American taxpayer. Now the US is losing its economic advantage and soon will be economically subjugated to the Chinese. That's the real catastrophy.
Since we know what Islam means, we shouldn't mess with these people. We should protect our houses and prevent any invasion. This doesn't happen.My country is flooded by hordes of Pakistanis, Afghanis and I don't know what else...
That's the point...the Troyan Horse is already ante portas...
Halliburton etc. got richer however...

Damien said...


So you think the Iraq war was just over Oil, and had nothing to do with the belief that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. This was by the something back up by the fact he used weapons of mass destruction on his own people, as well as other things.