Friday, April 03, 2009

Diamonds on the Inside

I know a woman like this. Without giving identity compromising details some of her decisions over the years have driven me absolutely crazy though they have ceased to surprise me. Still, she was once one of my best friends and I'm still there whenever she needs me. Just can't say "and vice-versa".

Ben Harper

Diamonds on the Inside


Anonymous said...

OMG. Who knew Ben Harper was that effing hot? I've loved him for 10 years but I never saw what he looked like. The Mp3 age.

That clip had 'technical difficulties' but this one worked:

Pastorius said...

Ben Harper is from my neck of the woods. Great musician.

Whenever I see waves curling, I think, "That's where I want to be. Right there."

I dream of waves.

Beautiful video. Great song.

midnight rider said...

Well, either this video started working or someone swapped it out for the good one (I don't remember where I grabbed the embed). Either way THANK YOU!