Sunday, April 05, 2009

Feeling tired and dizzy

I Am A Tired American

Warner Todd Huston at Stop the ACLU, speaks for many of us out here. Quite frankly, I am getting dizzy trying to keep up with all of it. Our country and all it stands for is being attacked and destroyed from inside and out. Our security, both constitutional and physical, is in extreme danger.

Right now, I don't feel our rights as US Citizen's are good enough, to stop the downward spiral we have found ourselves in. In the scheme of things, we are only individual minions.

If Obama can cause this much destruction in only 75 days, what will our country look like in 4 years?

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

It's not just a figure of speech, either. It is literally exhausing and frustruating to see this happen day after day.