Sorry, Pasto, I don't intend to abuse my posting privileges here and I have no idea who chooses the infidel hunks and hunkettes (of which I disapprove anyway), but this specimen is so far "off" that I HAD to post this to avoid mental flatulence.
I had to look up who he is (alright, this is an American blog, so that's MY problem), but I had to resort to Liberace to pinpoint somebody I find even less attractive. The suit! The hairdo! I somehow still don't think he's gay, but I may be wrong. Even the (surely anabolics-induced) pectorals and other assorted brawn discovered via a Google search doesn't make a hunk per se in my eyes.
I herewith apply for a job on the "Infidel Hunk of The Week" electoral board.
And you're right, this guy does just look like a macho version of Liberace.
WWE Legend "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase voiced his distaste for the religion of Islam.
Good enough for me.
Wrestlers are glitzy performers Editrix, all glitz and glam before the sweat and theatrics in the ring. He has three sons and
quite a taste for diamonds.
Quote from the wiki link:
He admitted in an interview conducted by IGN.com that his Million Dollar Championship title — a belt composed of real diamonds and gold — cost $40,000, and DiBiase has mentioned that he had to carry documentation for the belt whenever he went through customs. The Million Dollar Championship is now locked in a safe at Titan Towers, WWE's corporate headquarters.
My youngest son is a fan of Wrestling these days . . .good to know we have one on the counter-jihad side.
Let's face it, the whole "thing" of American Wrestling is a thing unto itself, and can not be understood, or appreciated, by anyone who is not born and bred in America.
Hell, I'm a born American, and I don't understand or appreciate it.
Couldn't agree with you more Pastorius. I certainly don't 'get' wrestle-mania . ..never have, never will.
However, in this case, since evangelist Ted DiBiase verbalized his distaste for Islam - he's ok in my book.
I vote for the EDITRIX as an IFHW & IFBW board member!
I'd love to hear her opinion on Babe of the Week, but women usually pick chicks who guys just aren't into.
Sauf pour moi, Jaco. I chose a lovely babe of the week, you have to admit!
Yes, you did. Thanks for that. i hadn't seen her before.
I'll put her up on the sidebar in a few days. Our current Babe of the Week has only been there a couple of days.
Pastorius, he may lool like an idiot but he's smarter than everyone I know with a PhD.
He should come and lecture the faculty at my university. They could learn a lot from him.
I applaud you guys for putting him up, even f he just last a day on the sidebar.
I absolutely agree with you, and that's why I put him up as Hunk of the Week.
However, I don't want the job of choosing and posting Hunk of the Week (even if you are the one nominating), because, well frankly, it just makes me feel a little funny, shall we say.
So, if Editrix does a good job, then great.
As long as she doesn't only choose "gentlemen".
And, she knows what I mean by that.
I agree with HRW, he is glitzy but fits the profile. Another nomination from me:
"WWE Legend "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase voiced his distaste for the religion of Islam.
Good enough for me."
True! I was going to say that some anti-Islam activity ought to be the primary criterion. So he is a righteous hunk!
"So, if Editrix does a good job, then great.
As long as she doesn't only choose "gentlemen".
And, she knows what I mean by that."
I think I do and Prince Charles is not in the contest anyway. ;-) And of course I will refrain from choosing the babes, because, just as you said, women don't know what makes a "babe".
Glad to hear Prince Charles is not in the contest.
And, I would hope Andrea Merkel isn't either.
Or, is it Angela Merkel? Sorry.
Hey, Andre, if you're a gay man, and would like to choose Infidel Beefcake of the Week, or whatever, we'll post it.
And, same goes for our friend Andy Armitage.
I'm not gay but if I find something I'll make a suggestion.
Just as a woman can't pick a "Babe", I doubt a straight man can pick the right "twink" either.
We're all about Infidels here. If it makes Infidels happy, and Jihadists pissed off, then we're all over it.
Ok, rules are rules but I still like Mickey Rourke, lol.
How about miss Israel 2009 Adi Rodnitzki who is also a corporal in the Israel Navy.
Hubba hubba.
I love Israeli/Jewish women. It's a fetish of mine.
Yeah, we're pretty awesome. Check it out: when I type in Opera the browser doesn't eat every 3rd letter.
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