Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More than 800 Tea Parties Nationwide!

Michelle Malkin's got the story:

Massive: Tax Day Tea Party USA

I just have one word: Wow. More than 800 tea parties across the country. Here’s your first photo/vid round-up from the events across the country, large and small, every corner of this great nation (hit your refresh button often…I’ll keep updating):

Pics & updating story here


revereridesagain said...

Just got back from the all-day Boston Tea Party. Damn, that was fun! It was in two parts: from 11 am to about 2 pm around 1500 people gathered on the Boston Common up near the state house. The numbers fluctuated because some people came to stay for their lunch hours. Lots of speakers, lots of great signs. Actually met 4 women from my town, we are going to try to get together for discussions and annoy the libtard clientele of a different local coffeehouse every week. No significant ACORN or other infiltration or counter-demonstration apparent. About 3 pm several hundred of us marched (with police cruiser escort) down to Christopher Columbus Park on the wharf for another rally, this one emceed by WTKK talk show host Michael Graham. I'd say that rally drew 1500-2000 by the time we got to 5:30 pm which was when they threw boxes of donated tea into the harbor to the chant of "You Work for Us!!" adddressed to Obama, MA Governor Patrick, That Bitch Napolitano, Barney Frank, and numerous other alleged "public servants". A lot of people in the crowd got to speak for 30-60 seconds each and there were announcements of projects being started and at least one participant had just filed papers to run for office. It was cold as hell but the crowd had a great time and got some good coverage at least from FOX. There are some photos up at Atlas.

midnight rider said...

I saw that coverage on Fox a little while ago, Revere. How many boxes did you throw in :)

Rebellious Kafir said...

Hey All,
There are some Nashville pictures up on my blog--enjoy! They are all my own pictures so feel free to pinch me, I mean them :)
I am so proud to be an American.

Christine said...

I had to miss the one in Madison since I just started a new job. But, there were over 3500 people there.

Turns out, some liftwing nutjobs infiltrated the event. Carrying signs that said Obama=Hitler. Come on, couldn't they at least get a little more inventive than that?

revereridesagain said...


I think we threw in 4, big ones. They got passed around that end of the crowd so people oculd write messages on them.

We had a lot of nice big defiant "Don't Tread On Me" signs. And one guy with a big Obama is spawn of satan repent the end is near sign but hell, people like that show up at football games.

Who got the biggest crowd? Sadly, it wasn't Boston.