Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Curious Case of the Missing Video

Well now there ya go. Open honest fair and balanced journalism.
Over at HotAir Allahpundit has a piece up about Teapartiers confronting that CNN twit after the hit piece she did.

A seamless conclusion to the smear job heard ’round the world, thanks to some amazingly fortuitous timing by Founding Bloggers. On a day when the grassroots came out to protest the establishment, it’s fitting that a small indie outfit like FB would end up putting the screws to CNN this way. What’s most striking is how savvy the protesters are about the game Roesgen’s playing: They know exactly why she
zeroed in on the guy with the Obama/Hitler sign, and it ain’t because of his grasp of economics. Stick with it until the end or else you’ll miss the astounding nerve of this
disingenuous moron, who just spent three minutes on national television sneering
at the people around her, to say to the woman who’s yelling at her, “You know,
you really don’t need to be so antagonistic.” Content warning.

What? you say. Where's the video? There's supposed to be a video! An awesome amazing CNN Fairness shattering video! I want my video!

Well, ya can't have it. See, when you click on the video, you are told it is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Cable News Network Inc.

Yet the original video where Roesgen is on the attack is still available.

Now, why do you suppose one is and the other isn't?


Anonymous said...

OT . . . 1776 parody of 300

midnight rider said...

I wanna see it! When's the release date? :)

Anonymous said...

I think I saw something very close to what you are describing on one of the Fox shows Friday night. I don't remember which one. My better half DVRs them and we play them off and on as we have time during the evening.

The denoument was when a tea-party woman finally made the CNN gal look at the sign that said "Republicans SUCK" - with some other slogan about too much spending.

So the particular vid you are describing may not be available, but one with a similar theme is.

The CNN gal looks so smug until the tea-party lady points out that sign. Then her face gets all kinda screwed up.

Didn't hear too much of it, though, as kid and dog noise kinda drowned it out.


Anonymous said...

It was O'Reilly. That thing was everywhere. Jammiewearingfool had it first, and then I got Pamela to put it up. It went viral by rush hour on Thursday, as did the Red Eye video.'s server got overloaded by mid-afternoon. It was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Midnight Rider . . .the video is embedded in the PJ Media report here