Carol creates and posts the best graphics on the right end of the blogosphere...Barry Hussein beware!!!
Plus, her weekly Full Metal Jacket Saturday roundup is a must read:
Intertoobs, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship No Sheeples Here! Its FMJRA mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no blog has gone before.”
Donald Douglas joined in on the fray between David Letterman and Sarah Palin. I must say the image seen there is quite flattering of Letterboy.
The Nagin flu? Pat is from Shreveport, Louisiana and she’s got the smack on New Orleans Mayor Ray Ray and a few jokes to make you laugh.
Clever S. Logan titillates with a piece about butt-sniffing. For reals.
Common Cents has an interesting concept called the ten-minute ticker. Go over there with your change purse in hand.
The Counterterrorism Blog has the eighteenth installment of its Target America series discussing the murder of Pvt. William Long by a Muslim nutjob.
Jamie, with that spooky Eye of Polyphemus, seems to be a trekkie. Explore new worlds with him and the “Eye”. By the way, Polyphemus (not Jamie) was the son of Poseidon and Thoosa. He was a Cyclops, a mythical semi-human monster of huge proportions, with a single eye at the center of his forehead. The island where they are thought to have dwelt is a remote part of Sicily, where they lived in caves and ate raw flesh of any kind and also kept goats and sheep. They led a fairly solitary existence. I guess so. I mean these are not traits that are conducive to making friends on the playground of life.
Faultline USA features the letter written by Lou Pritchett, the former Vice President of Proctor & Gamble, to President Obama.
Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. So what’s this Uighur Wiggle Fausta is talking about?
I don’t think Kathy Shaidle is talking about Dudley Dooright of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police when she reports that a “Muslims of Tomorrow” conference raises questions.
Founding Bloggers tangles with Little Green Footballs over calling the Holocaust Museum terrorist a product of the left.
I just hate it when comedy fails but Generation Patriot has some pretty funny stuff that doesn’t fail including a really scary photo of Michelle O.
Chad of the KURU Lounge struggles to find something profound to say this week and comes up with this: “With great mustache comes great responsibility." Dude.
Let’s Get It Right has joined the campaign to demand a Purple Heart for Pvt. William Andrew Long.
Professor William A. Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection says we’re getting punked on health care reform. Dr. House Dear Leader is not.
And from the left (the friendly left in this case), Liberal Rapture discusses the myth of America’s failing schools. Readin’, ‘ritin’ and rooster insemination notwithstanding.
Want to see the 41st President of the United States, who incidentally just turned 85, skydiving? Little Miss Attila has the video and the congrats for this gutsy man.
Do what? They’re bulldozing American cities? Maggie’s Notebook has the story.
Because Master Baker was already taken, North Korea has a new “Brilliant Comrade”. Michelle Malkin has more here.
Carrie Prejean says, “I will always stand for the truth, respectfully, and never back down." Not Tucker Carlson has more here and a bonus bikini pic. You gotta have a bikini pic. Am I right?
Pat Dollard has the appalling story of a teacher who was fired because his website was TOO PATRIOTIC!
Douglas Gibbs has some details on the Sotomayor ties to La Raza over at Political Pistachio.
Let Dan Collins tell you where you screwed up.
Pundit & Pundette, mostly Pundette, waxes nostalgic over some Sinatra and Basie. Something about violins, violas, cellos, and a bass. Stogie would appreciate the bass reference.
I can get behind the story over at Red State. Apparently, there is a move afoot to have CBS fire that smartass perv I call Letterboy.
Say Anything Blog picks up the meme about Letterboy needing to be fired. Again I say, fire the bastard!
St. Blogustine focuses on the Jon Voight speech about “bringing an end to this false prophet, Obama.”
The Astute Bloggers muse over the decisively indecisive results of the Iranian elections and how they might just end up in the Supreme Court. LOL.
Robert Stacy McCain has a game of darts going again over at The Other McCain and Andrew Sullivan is the dart board. Hey Sully…when will you ever learn not to mess with RSM and his chums? Don’t be such a dumbass man.
Andrea Shea King reminds us that no matter what your calendar age, you can achieve your goal if you're young at heart.
Rude Dog revives a year-old piece entitled The Post-American World. Now get off the sofa. Nice doggie.
Deuce, his Skepticrat self, informs us that some guys like it long. Some like it short. I won’t spoil the surprise here. You’ll need to click over there to find out what he means. That’s whole point; clicking, I mean.
Is Jimmie trying to create-and-save jobs over there at The Sundries Shack or is he just hawking Rosetta Stone™ so everyone can bone up on their Espanol for Judge Sotomayor.
You learn so much from the younger set. I know that if you turn a frown upside-down it becomes a smile but did you know that if you turn a 9 upside-down it becomes a 6? See what my favorite caveman is talking about here.
Michael Kinsley is an assclown columnist in the view of This Ain’t Hell. We need a new National Anthem? I’m calling bovine fecal matter on that load of bull.
I am the Goddess of Photoshop but I bow to the dazzling skills of the creator of Manna from Government. Velly nice.
This brings us to the end of this episode of Star Sheeples. See ya next week! Live long and prosper. Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a physician!
Thank you for the link, have added you to my blogroll.
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Cool links. I like that.
Thanks Track a crat, you are a Brit, right???
I am huge Anglo-phile, as you can tell from my site.
That scumbag has a hook arm!!!
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