Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fascism You Had Better Believe In

It is appropriate that the Democrats in the Senate would spring their nationalized medicine scheme on America just before the Fourth of July. This AP story provides this interesting twist on how they intend to deal with recalcitrant serfs:

WASHINGTON – Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama's top domestic priority.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fines will raise around $36 billion over 10 years. Senate aides said the penalties would be modeled on the approach taken by Massachusetts, which now imposes a fine of about $1,000 a year on individuals who refuse to get coverage. Under the federal legislation, families would pay higher penalties than individuals.

In a revamped health care system envisioned by lawmakers, people would be required to carry health insurance just like motorists must get auto coverage now. The government would provide subsidies for the poor and many middle-class families, but those who still refuse to sign up would face penalties.

Called "shared responsibility payments," the fines would be set at least half the cost of basic medical coverage, according to the legislation.

The legislation would exempt certain hardship cases from fines. The fines would be collected through the income tax system.
Hat tip: Steve

Crossposted at The Dougout

1 comment:

Judith -Slayer of Holofernes (aka Madame Scherzo) said...

If ever there were an argument for becoming nonexistent, this is it. Time to create an industry of invisiblization. Any ideas comrades?