Michael Travis
In taped interviews, Hamid Mir, the celebrated Pakistani journalist who interviewed Osama bin Laden in the wake of 9/11, speaks of the presence of al Qaeda agents at McMaster University and “over 80 kilograms” of missing nuclear material.
The interviews support Congressional testimony of Janice L. Kephart (counsel to the 9/11 Commission), and the findings of numerous investigators including Dr. Paul L. Williams, an award-winning American journalist, who is being tried in Canada under Canadian law for his reports about McMaster, a university which houses one of the largest research nuclear reactors in the Western hemisphere.
Mr. Mir is widely recognized for his knowledge of the inner workings of al Qaeda and its leading operatives.
On the tapes, he speaks at length of Anas al-Liby, a founder of al Qaeda, and of al-Liby’s efforts to recruit “good Muslim students” from universities throughout the U.S., Great Britain, and Canada.
The FBI has listed al-Liby as one of its “Most Wanted” terrorists and has placed a $5 million reward for any information leading to his arrest or capture.
Mr. Mir maintains that al-Liby was given the task by bin Laden to construct tactical nuclear bombs and radiological devices.
Speaking from a conference of America’s Truth Forum in Las Vegas, Mr. Mir says there is “no doubt” that al-Liby succeeded in this task and that dirty bombs and nukes are now in the hands of al Qaeda agents.
In statements that should send shock waves through the U.S. intelligence community, the Pakistani journalist adds that al-Liby was on the campus of McMaster in Hamilton, Ontario between 2000 and 2002. Mr. Mir maintains that “it was not difficult” for al-Liby to steal “eighty kilos” of nuclear material.

Mr. Mir also speaks of Adnan el Shukrijumah, another al Qaeda agent who allegedly spent time at McMaster, as “the man who will lead the next attack inside America.”
According to Mr. Mir, Shukrijumah, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, “stayed with the 9/11 hijackers” and was “a very close friend of Muhammad Atta.
(Mir’s statement regarding Atta and Shukrijumah has been supported by a ABC-News report of Sept. 10, 2009.)
Among those present at the taping of Mr. Mir’s comments were Dr. Hugh Cort, a psychiatrist from Alabama, Laurice Tatum, a licensed private investigator, Dr. Paul Williams, and this reporter.
You can see over on the sidebar (until the stories scroll down at least) that the Ayatollah Khomeini is staring directly at those Shukrijumah women. Not because two of them remind him of his favorite goat, mind you, but because they all happen to be SMILING. SMILING! WTF? THERE'S NO FUN IN ISLAM. NO FUN. NO FUN. NO FUN. NO FUN.
Daddy certainly seems to get it - he looks properly serious in the photo, but girls are just so danged intellectually inferior. They really are like cattle you know - except you don't sell 'em to a neighboring village after you ... well you know...
This is a critical time for Free Speech.
I would encourage everyone to interview Rachel, Paul, and Steyn..as soon as possible... A Federal "Rachel's Law" should be enacted ASAP!
i questioned this in my mind-now i'm doing it 'out loud'--RE: Dr. Williams-
how can a US citizen be tried under Canadian law and in Canada?
hi Carol,
Paul is in Toronto today, standing up for the rights of all Americans...and telling the Canucks where to get off.
NAFTA and Presidential corruption can be cited as causes of this anti-Constitutional disgrace.
We need Rachel's Law, and the right to counter-sue to litigation Jihadists in US courts. As of now, victims of 9-11 cannot sue the Saudis, and thousands of victims of the Paleostinians have been prevented from seeking redress also.
Someday, very soon, the Libel tourists will succeed in scaring the shit out of Google and other Blog providers also....then we all will become like Paul, Rachel, and Joe Sharky.
Thank you - Micheal -
So -those of us who fought against NAFTA were right!!
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