Even today, it is by no means certain how long a state can survive, if its educational system is largely in the hands of men who reject the values upon which it is based.Stone continues by quoting Thomas Hobbes on this subject: "The Universities have been to the nation, as the wooden horse to the Trojans." Both of these writers are, of course, referring to the Puritan influence at Oxford, Cambridge and other institutions of learning in early 17th century England. Stone argues that Puritanism was a necessary, but not sufficient, cause of the English Civil War of 1642-1649.
In America today we are witnessing a process of internal corruption largely caused by academia's hostility to the nation's founding principles. The rot has never been deeper. President Ozero is the product of both Columbia (Million Mogadishu) University and Harvard Law. It is true that the elite, private school educated Ozero was already a member of the hard left with a huge racial chip on his shoulder when he arrived at college. However, all his university experience did was reinforce his sense of entitlement, his narcissism and his hatred of everything America stands for. Ozero was able fit right in with the lazy, drunk, pot smoking, irresponsible "rebels" of Occidental and Columbia. He had little problem spending four years reading post-colonial crap such as Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth. Ozero also spend his undergrad days writing such rubbish as "Breaking the War Mentality" (PDF file). In 1983, at the height of the Cold War, Ozero was calling for America's unilateral disarmament. Now that Ozero is president, he is working with the nation's enemies at the U.N. in order to fulfill that promise.
Ozero has other uses for the U.N. when it comes to undermining American values and the rights of the American people. Under his orders, the United States has joined one of the most loathsome organizations on the planet. The U.S. is now a member of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) dominated U.N. Human Rights Commission (HRC). This Commission is a complete farce in that it is controlled by the worse human rights abusers on earth. Besides lending legitimacy to this abomination, Ozero is now actively helping them destroy freedom of speech and religion throughout the world.
It has long been the agenda of both the HRC and OIC to implement the part of Sharia Law that forbids infidels from criticizing Islam or actions taken in its name. Family Security Matters writer Leslie Sacks observed in a column from last August commented on this little reported edict from the HRC:
The Human Rights Council at the United Nations has now banned any criticism regarding Sharia Law and human rights in the Islamic World. According to President Doru Romulus Costea - and following the efforts of delegates from Egypt, Pakistan and Iran - the Council will no longer tolerate criticism of either Sharia or specific fatwas in the name of human rights.America's new president is now helping to spread this fatwa to the United States. Ozero's hostility to free speech has already been demonstrated by his notorious rat on your neighbor program (flag@whitehouse.gov) via the Whitehouse website. However, Ozero's malice goes well beyond that of a gangster trying to silence opposition. The Ozero administration has co-sponsered a resolution with Egypt. Egypt's contribution to human rights has been their brutal repression of their Christian Coptic minority. If ever enacted, this resolution would mean the end of free speech and freedom of religion (including freedom from religion) in the West. It would mean the end of the West's hard won freedom to subject religious beliefs to rational scrutiny, lest someone's irrational feelings get hurt. Hyperbole on my part? Read Anne Bayefsky article "You Can't Say That" for the irrefutable evidence of the resolution's own wording:
The new resolution, championed by the Obama administration, has a number of disturbing elements. It emphasizes that "the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities . . ."which include taking action against anything meeting the description of "negative racial and religious stereotyping." It also purports to "recognize . . . the moral and social responsibilities of the media" and supports "the media's elaboration of voluntary codes of professional ethical conduct" in relation to "combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance."Ozero's jumping into bed with the Islamic enemies of human rights, civilization, and common decency does not stem from him being a secret Moslem. The above wording is carefully crafted to appeal to self-loathing Westerners and Western Third Worldists. Ozero is a TiersMondeist. He completely identifies with the West's and America's alleged Third World victims. This is why he is forever apologizing for America on foreign soil. It explains Ozero's hostility to free trade and "globalization" as "exploitation" of the Third World Wretched. It explains Ozero's desire to make American taxpayers the indentured servants to the world's poor with his Global Poverty Act.
As with other "Progressives," Ozero has given the Islamic world official victim status. Therefore, Moslem complaints against the West are always legitimate. For Ozero, it is the function of the losers (Islam) to make demands upon the successful (the West and America). No matter how outrageous those demands are (such as gutting the First Amendment), America must submit to her moral superiors. What makes the backwards, tyrannical world of Islam superior? The fact that it doesn't have anything of value to offer. As Ayn Rand observed, any social system based on altruism and self-sacrifice will become ruled by its lowest, worst elements. One can witness the truth of this at the U.N.
If you succeed, any man who fails is your master; if you fail, any man who succeeds is your serf. Whether your failure is just or not, whether your wishes are rational or not, whether your misfortune is undeserved or the result of your vices, it is misfortune that gives you a right to rewards. It is pain, regardless of its nature or cause, pain as a primary absolute, that gives you a mortgage on all of existence.
In this context, notice how the advocates of the U.N.'s censorship resolution emphasis the alleged emotional pain caused by the criticism of Islam. The president of the United States is now in agreement with the barbarians. According to Ozero, American freedom must be sacrificed in order to assuaged the feelings of those who burn churches, persecute Jews, and support the murder of apostates and the flogging misbehaving women.
George Orwell famously defined a liberal as "a power worshipper without power." Ozero now has a great deal of power. But, he still worships those who have more. Hence, his love affair with Hugo Chavez. Hence, his bowing to some Saudi prince. Hence, his hostility to the constitutional government of Honduras in favor of a Marxist wannabe dictator. Ozero completely identifies with tyrants, while having contempt for America's allies such as England and Columbia.
Ozero is also emotionally immature and a coward. He still thinks of himself as a "rebel" sticking it to the Man. Therefore, he just cannot help himself. He continually seeks ways to disgrace the nation he was elected to represent, but nevertheless despises. The latest example of Ozero's anti-American (and anti common decency) foreign policy is his refusal to meet with the Dalai Lama. Since 1991, every president has met with the leader of Tibet. Ozero so identifies with tyrants, so hates freedom, and is so much the coward, that he will disgrace the United States in this manner in order to bow before the Communist thugs of Beijing. Not that that should surprise anyone. Ozero's teachers and professors at Punahou, Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard must be very proud of what they have wrought.
Crossposted at The Dougout
1 comment:
Grant Jones,
I wouldn't go so far as to say that the left thinks that Islam is superior because it has nothing to offer us. I think a lot of their caving into the Jihadists demands is motivated by a "Can't we all get along mentality"
As for the idea that The UN is based on altruism as define by Rand, I would have to say no. Even Communism wasn't really based on Altruism the way Rand Defined it. Every tyrant tries to make it sound like you will be better off if you blindly follow them. If I believed every piece of communist propaganda out there, I'd actually think that I'd be better off under communism. The same is true for Jihadist propaganda.
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