Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Oh Fer Chrissake, Wolf, That's Always Been The Whole POINT of SNL

"It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live, while many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they're doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do nothing President. . ."

You're fucking kidding me, right? Now that it's THAT ONE in office instead of Bush, NOW you're questioning what SNL is doing? Now you're fact checking Saturday Night Live?

h/t Hot Air


And, let's be clear, the media is now LITERALLY FACT-CHECKING SNL.


revereridesagain said...

CNN is now airing "fact-checking" critiques of a comedy show's jokes about the POTUS? I gather not getting that Fairness Doctrine in their Christmas stockings hit these guys pretty hard.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, Wolfie had that epic fail on Jeopardy. Plus he's just a douchebag anyway.

Anonymous said...

snl needs to add wolf to the line up of the jeopardy skit right next to burt reynolds

Anonymous said...

here's some fact checking by IMAO it is by far funnier than snl.


Fact Checking IMAO
Posted by Frank J. at 1:01 pm

Since Saturday Night Live finally made fun of Obama, CNN saw only one option: To fact check them!

I didn’t know people fact-checked comedy; that could be a problem for us here at IMAO. We might even have to hire an ombudsman to correct things, but for now I thought I’d fact check myself.


* Obama does not frequently get his head stuck in a bucket.

* Joe Biden is not constantly outsmarted by squirrels.

* A pile of dirty rags would not make a better president than Obama as it would be unable to read from a teleprompter.

* It’s not actually legal in any state to punch a hippy.

* Obama is not just as bad as Carter. Carter is the absolutely worse possible, and all other just approach his level of failure asymptotically.

* Pelosi’s skull is not trying to escape her face. Her face is trying to run behind her skull.

* If a ninja bites you, you don’t become one.

* Just because Obama likes the Hollywood crowd doesn’t mean he’s pro-rape. By all indications he’s quite neutral on that subject.

* Nuking the moon would not be the absolutely best foreign policy decision right now. That would be the creation of a space laser.

* Monkeys are not plotting the downfall of our civilization. They’re too easily distracted for that.

* It’s not true to say Obama has never accomplished anything in his life. He once put together a desk from IKEA.

* Obama is not actively trying to destroy the country; it’s really just all incompetence.

* Not all liberals hate America; some consider it no better or no worse than any other country.

* There is no scientific evidence that squirrels are Communists.

* While it is accurate that a badger wearing a jaunty hat would be a better Senator than Harry Reid, it not a Constitutionally viable option.

So far the Fred Thompson stuff all looks accurate, but I’ll keep checking.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi’s skull is not trying to escape her face. Her face is trying to run behind her skull.

ok that one actually isnt a joke, and he was right the first time her skull is trying to escape her face

Anonymous said...

When CNN first appeared, some of the other networks took to calling it "Chicken-Noodle News".

Then they began to emulate it although they dropped the "noodle" part for simplicity.

If there were any truth in advertising, they would have inserted the word "shit" in its place. CHICKEN-SHIT NEWS - for all those who can't or won't face reality.

Pastorius said...

You know what would be really hip is if Jon Stewart ran a mock fact-check of CNN's fact-check of SNL,

and then,

Steve Colbert fact-checked Jon Stewart's fact-check of CNN's fact-check of SNL.

I ought to be writing the comedy for these guys.