Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Shock from the left of center ..RICHARD COHEN nails Obama

It rings for thee:

Obama Doesn't Seem Ready to Lead

By Richard Cohen

Barack Obama's trip to Copenhagen to pitch Chicago for the Olympics would have been a dumb move whatever the outcome. But as it turned out (an airy dismissal would not be an unfair description), it poses some questions about his presidency that are way more important than the proper venue for synchronized swimming. The first, and to my mind most important, is whether Obama knows who he is.

This business of self-knowledge is no minor issue. It bears greatly on the single most crucial issue facing this young and untested president: Afghanistan. Already, we have his choice for Afghanistan commander, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, taking the measure of his commander in chief and publicly telling him what to do. This MacArthuresque star turn called for a Trumanesque response, but Obama offered nothing of the kind. Instead, he used McChrystal as a prop, adding a bit of four-star gravitas to that silly trip to Copenhagen by having the general meet with him there.

This is the president we now have: He inspires lots of affection but not a lot of awe. It is the latter, though, that matters most in international affairs, where the greatest and most gut-wrenching tests await Obama

No shit Sherlock

Welcome back to the world as it really is


revereridesagain said...


What's going to happen when the Arab states, China, Russia, France and Japan dump the dollar for trading oil as in those secret talks they say they're not having? I should understand more about this stuff, but I'm still at the level of "how bad is it?"

Pastorius said...

Like you said yesterday, Epa, Obama seems doomed to soon have his "Killer Rabbit" moment.

Pastorius said...

By the way, how long before David Axelrod or Rahm Emanuel gets fired?

Epaminondas said...

@rra - oil products will go up in price proportionally to the PERCEPTION of supply increase by the fed, as opposed to being locked to dollar values.

FDR went off the gold std because he could not print money to prime the pump unless he literally devalued the dollar, this would, in effect duplicate that scenario .. back onto a standard, but NOT an objective one, so if someone panics ... get your wheelbarrows out to buy a fillup ...OR...buy diamonds and gold

@pasto... Rahm and Axelrod being fired= nixon firing haldeman and erlichman .. it would mean hitler was in the bunker.

last gasps.

To me Obama would be signaling total frantic panic ... if it was me, i'd rather keep them and subtly use others for advice.

BUT WHO? Who would a man like Obama turn to anyway? Soros? Moulitsas? Katherine Van Den Heuvel?