Sunday, November 22, 2009

Canada: "Human Rights Activist" - Known for Filing Complaints With the CHRC Over "Islamophobia" - Terrorizes 17 Year Old

From Dag:

Richard Warman, notorious among us for his part in suing people for their alleged "Islamophobia" through the so-called Human Rights Tribunals and Commissions, has this time turned his threats against a seventeen year old blogger in British Columbia, Walker Morrow.

I can't say that Warman will burn Walker's house down, but Warman is certainly trying (less drastic measures) to terrorize this young man; and to Walker's credit, Warman is failing. However, where Walker is defending himself with courage, many others among us are looking over our shoulders awaiting the 2:00 am knock on the door, jumping nervously as the floor creaks. by trying to terrorise a kid, Warman tries to terrorise the nation's bloggers.

Walker is a very smart fellow, savvy in the ways of journalism, and courageous. If you'd like to fin out for yourself and perhaps leave him some encouragement, encouraging others in Canada as well, please go to Walker Morrow's blog.

Actually, I think Dag puts it better here:

Scum-bag Fascist Puke Richard Warman Threatens to Sue Teenager for Writing in Local Paper. FUCK YOU, WARMAN, YOU PUKE.


Anonymous said...

The fact that Warman continues to walk as a free man after extorting thousands of dollars from those he set up, is a travesty of justice.

Dag said...

Warman is part of the same clique that went after Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant. Warman has worked "undercover" for the so called Human Rights grievance industry in Canada for years, attacking people on ground that he actually made up himself, for example, by posting racist comments at blogs, then suing said blogs for hosting racist comments. He's even done this by hacking a citizens email address and claiming he didn't. The guy is out of control. But he is in control because the courts allow him to continue. He sues people for a living. He's good at it. Now he's going after a 17 year old and the boy's family. This has to stop. not just for the sake of the boy but for your sake: it's a police state in Canada; and it will seep across the border to America if Obama can find precedent to call on.

Given the nature of this very foreign place, and it is not America lite, Americans can do more for a Canadian blogger, and therefore themselves, than can a small army of Canadian bloggers. Please help in this struggle for democracy and genuine Human Rights. Look into the story here and follow it as well as you're able so you will come to know Walker and see in his plight your own. It's serious, and Walker is a good man to pin our hopes on.

truepeers said...

Dag needs to get his facts straight about what we actually know Warman has done, before he encourages other people to go off and get sued by Warman. For starters, Warman made his career not fighting "Islamophobia" but going after pathetic "basement Nazis". The problem was that the greater "human rights" institutions of which he was a part then became open to similar prosecutions by Islamists of Jews.