Friday, February 26, 2010

American Support for Israel at Near Record High

Yes, because America is essentially a good country. Decent and kind. And in any war between the civilized man and the savage, you always side with the civilized man.

Obama, OTOH, ................... better get a clue. The country does not share his anti-semitism.

Support for Israel in U.S. at 63%, Near Record High Gallup
And, Christian friends of mine are telling me America is doomed.

I'm so tired of hearing it.

Perhaps my Christian friends are doomed.


christian soldier said...

you need some new Christian 'friends' - the US is not doomed-we just need to FIGHT- and stop turning the other cheek --Christ meant that more for dealing w/ fellow believers and not for an enemy out to get us...He is/was no wimp...consider the table turnings that He dealt the 'money changers' HIS temple!!!

Pastorius said...

It's not so much the people I go to church with, it's the OC Christians I come in contact with.

They're all so apoalyptic.

christian soldier said...

I know-I run into it all of the time--I guess it is easier to take a weak point of view --I'm glad our Founders took a strong stand--and most were Christians...
Look at the Black Regiment- all pastors ---(black robes) who signed the Declaration and or fought in the Revolution =--Muhlenberg being one...
the best to you -fellow Christian warrior!!

Epaminondas said...

We're all doomed peoples

The issue is WHEN.

If governing ourselves was easy there would be societies of dogs selling us poop for fertilizer and importing beef.

I bet freedom lasts longer than anything else.

Outlasts everything else.

Even if in grim disgust