Thursday, March 25, 2010

Muslims Exempt From ObamaCare Because it Violates Sharia Law?

The Senate health care bill just signed contains some exemptions to the "pay-or-play" mandate requiring purchase of Obamacare-approved health insurance or payment of a penalty fine. As Fox News has pointed out, for instance, the Amish are excused from the mandate:

So while most Americans would be required to sign up with insurance companies or government insurance plans, the church would serve as something of an informal insurance plan for the Amish.

Law experts say that kind of exemption withstands scrutiny.

... this exemption will apply similarly to believers in Islam, which considers health insurance - and, for that matter, any form of risk insurance - to be haraam (forbidden).

Steve Gilbert of Sweetness & Lightcalls our attention to the probability that Muslims will also be expempt. According to a March 23 publicationon an authoritative Islamic Web site managed by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, various fatwas (religious decrees) absolutely forbid Muslim participation in any sort of health care or other risk insurance.

Click on the title to get the whole story.

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Now here is fertile ground indeed for digging, uprooting, turning stones and seeing what crawls out. So Muslims are forbidden to participate in commercial insurance in any way? By all means let's find out what's going on with auto insurance. And I know from experience that Muslim pharmacists deal with insurers same as everyone else because I've worked with them. Time to ask some questions about that muslima in hijab behind the counter at your local CVS. Fatwas from your religion forbid you to deal with those haram insurers, sister, so why the hell are you here?

Are they going to use this as another excuse to further the introduction of Sharia? If they are "forbidden" to use "Shaytan's" commercial insurance, just what DO they use?

Oh, and the Amish and the Christian Scientists get a pass on this because their god forbids it but I don't because my freedom of conscience is less equal than theirs? So if a couple of CS-ists let their kid die on the floor of a bowel obstruction (as happened in Boston a few years back) at least there won't be any insurance issues involved? Nice.