Thursday, March 25, 2010

Palestinian and Israeli Gardens

From Planck's Constant:
mount tabor 1912
Photo Credit: Wiki

In my article The Difference Between Israelis and Palestinians I pointed out that in Israeli fairy tales the story ends with peace between natural enemies while in Palestinian fairy tales the story ends with the death of the Jews and Israel wiped off the map.

Today I would like to point out the difference between Palestinian and Israeli Gardens.

The photo here is of Mount Tabor in 1912 when the Ottoman Turks were in charge; a desolate, barren, inhospitable desert. However from Biblical times until their arrival, Mount Tabor was entirely covered with vegetation. When the Turks arrived, they began to deforest the land and overgraze the plains with their animals.

[A bit of trivia:] Between the Arab on horse and Mount Tabor (in the distance) is Jezreel Valley where the Battle of Megiddo was fought. In Christian Eschatology, this part of the valley is believed to be destined to be the site of a final battle, between good and evil, known as Armageddon.

When the Jews regained control of Israel they began to reforest the area. Today, most of Mount Tabor is covered with pine trees.

Here is what the area around Mount Tabor looks like now:

Jezrael Valley
Jezrael Valley
Photo Credit: The Sandman

"But wait, Bernie," some of my readers may complain, "It's not fair to judge poor Arabs who had no help with the land as Israelis had from philanthropic American Jews."

Let's examine that notion: in 2005 Israel with­drew from the Gaza Strip, leaving millions of dollars of hydro­ponic veg­etable grow­ing facil­i­ties and ware­houses as a goodwill ges­ture from American Jews to the Palestinians 1. Those facil­i­ties would have pro­vided the Pales­tini­ans with tens of thousands of jobs and would have fed all of Gaza.

How did the Gaza Palestinians treat the more than 3,000 greenhouses?

Israeli hydroponic farms destroyed by HamasIsraeli hydroponic farms destroyed by HamasIsraeli hydroponic farms destroyed by HamasIsraeli hydroponic farms destroyed by Hamas

Photos courtesy:

I am an Atheist, but I have to admire the Jewish settlers who farmed in Gaza because they treated the land as a gift from God. The Palestinians treat their own land as a disease-ridden step-child 2. They are a scourge upon the Earth as well as upon mankind.

This article is dedicated to all the idiot Jews who believe one can make peace with locusts.


Alexander Münch said...

Bravo, Pasto!

Are there more like you out there???

You are kindly invited to see the stuff you are Blogging about... It is even nicer!


christian soldier said...

I have been told---by pilots and passengers----...that there is a very defined line of demarcation between Israel and her neighbors ..--one side is sand and/or desolation the other side of the 'line' is beautiful and green ...guess which side is the beautiful side :-)...

Someday-I'm going there...

revereridesagain said...

Ran across this from one of those idiot Jews on a totally unrelated site, discussing a French school curriculum: "All the 'English' ones are there, plus two 'History' and one 'Religious Education' - in which there is absolutely no religion, bless the trendy teacher, who gave us projects on 'Why Apartheid is Bad'... and 'How Families and Societies are Formed' - not quite Engels' 'Origin of the Family, State, and Private Property', but reasonably liberal stuff."

This fool is a regular apologist for the Muslims and I am truly tempted to innocently ask her why she's studying South African history and see what I get.

Europe has cooked itself, though I doubt it's much better at the same level over here.

Btw and OT: Getting a "you do not have access" message when trying to access a site I've had access to for years, fatal or non-fatal? I'm thinking the site is just down, but this is since last night and I'm getting worried.

Pastorius said...

I did not write this. The guy at Planck's Constant wrote it.

The only thing I can take credit for here is having paid enough attention over the past eight years so that I know what he writes to be true.

Since I knew it to be true, I posted it here so everyone who reads this site would see it.

I think information like this is important for today, and for future historical purposes.

Anyway, if I come to Israel, I will be more than happy to take you up on your offer.

Pastorius said...

You said: I have been told---by pilots and passengers----...that there is a very defined line of demarcation between Israel and her neighbors ..--one side is sand and/or desolation the other side of the 'line' is beautiful and green ...guess which side is the beautiful side :-)...

I say: I've heard this too, from the mouths of those who visited places like Jerusalem.

I have been told it is shocking, because what one sees is, literally, one side of the street has trees, is manicured, and swept clean, the other side, no trees, lots of trash, and chaos.


It's as if Rancho Santa Fe, CA bumped up against one of the worst slums of Detroit.

Pastorius said...

What site are you talking about?

Pastorius said...

I absolutely agree, and that's why I thought it was important to post this here.

revereridesagain said...


It's an entertainment chat site. But I think it's OK and the site is just down temporarily.

Everybody --

I'm just finishing Mark Twain's "The Innocents Abroad" and he makes the same observations about the condition of the Arab lands, though in 1869 it was far too early for the Israilis to be able to do anything about it.

Pastorius said...

What kind of entertainment stuff are you interested in, if you don't mind me asking.

Alexander Münch said...

Pasto, Mi Casa es tu Casa !

"Christian soldier", You are 100% right ! This is precisely why the Israeli International border is called " THE GREEN LINE " and why it is marked in GREEN color on UN maps!

And, to all of you my dear "Infidel" IBA readers who are interested in pictures 'Before" & "After":-
Please click & do some Goggling on !

In case of "emergency", just click my name ( in Blue ) on this comment.


maccusgermanis said...

Sat. photos can be reviewed through Google earth. The demarcartion lines are unmistakable.

Dag said...

I've been there, for a couple of years, as it turned out, and can testify to the truth of the photos.

Epaminondas said...

The fate of the Gaza greenhouses tells us all we need to know about BOTH sides.

When I remarked to an arab acquaintance from Oman that if nothing else the Iraqis would have a chance to be free, he said "NEVER FROM YOUR HANDS"

That's all there is sports fans.

Steve Kasian said...

Hey, why don't we ALL - EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO READS THIS - post characatures of the Prophet Muhammed everywhere we can - on the internet, in the streets, on buildings, light poles, EVERYWHERE - so that the entire world will suddenly become the infidel that MUST BE KILLED. Then complete chaos and mayhem will ensue everywhere and the world will finally have the excuse it needs to invalidate Islam as a religion and shut these threat mongering idiots holes for good.

Well, at least until the next generations of ignorant "peace loving" humans begin to populate this planet and conveniently forget their history, letting the lion out of the cage to once again spread it's vile hatred across the world. But I won't be alive for that (because Muslims will kill me for this), so I'm not worried about that.

Let's do it!! Here's my first charachature:

Image of the Prophet Muhammed: :-)

And yet another image of the Prophet Muhammed:

.. ^
.. |
. / \


Pastorius said...

I like your thinking, Steve.