Thursday, April 01, 2010

The blackface of tyranny

From Erik Rush:
First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama.

– Rev. Al Sharpton, March 21, 2010

Regarding Al Sharpton's above remark (made immediately after the passage of the health-care "reform" bill by the House of Representatives): First of all, then I have to say that the fact that Al Sharpton has secured sufficient credibility to be considered for consultation by respected national news venues is disgusting and shameful. In addition to epitomizing "the n-word," this is a man whose claim to fame is having attempted to frame police officers for a brutal felony in order to foment racial tension and advance his agenda of personal aggrandizement.

Let's get that straight right now … then we can go on to the fact that Obama's presidential win was a slim one, and that he was widely and deceptively sold to American voters as a centrist, rather than a socialist or a Marxist. The American public overwhelmingly want nothing to do with either.

I remember 30 years ago, when I would occasionally find myself at a private gathering, a coffee shop, or on a college campus, listening to some raggedy black nationalist ramble on about how people like them, given the opportunity, would change the U.S. into a "Marxist paradise."

Inwardly, I laughed, of course. "Like that'll ever happen," I thought.

Suffice it to say that I was wrong. You heard it here.

Because that's exactly what's taking place, though the radicals in question are not exclusively black.

Go read the whole thing.

I would only add that I think IT IS SHAMEFUL OF THE WHITE-DOMINATED MEDIA that Al Sharpton and his ilk are considered to have sufficient credibility that they are consulted by respected national news venues.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and their fellow black nationalists do not represent the educated black public, the people that I meet in the productive business and social worlds.

They only represent maladjusted Victimists.

And such people are contributing almost nothing, so their opinion means the equivalent of what they contribute.

We need to stop being fooled by the Victimists of the world.

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