Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI) documented numerous instances of Hamas’ al-Aqsa TV broadcasting incitement to bigotry and violence. 
MEMRI brought these proofs to the EU, whose rules al-Aqsa repeatedly violated.  The EU, in turn asked France to ban Hamas broadcasts via the Eutelsat facility in Paris.  Now France has asked Eutelsat to shut out al-Aqsa  (MEMRI, 6/13/10).

Check the source for the pages of documentation.
Some readers may wonder whether the ban violates freedom of the press.  France has less such freedom than the U.S..  Other considerations: (1) Hamas is jihadist, at war with the West, so why should the West give its enemy a platform; and (2) Muslim masses are receptive to indoctrination in hatred of others and in calls to violence.  The American notion that there must be a clear and present danger, before speech may be repressed, is valuable, but incitement to holy war has a lower threshold than other kinds of incitement.  For example, Muslim riots in Jeruaslem often occur as soon as the mosque sermon ends and the faithful emerge


Mother Effingby said...

Ironic, isn't it, Jaco, that France would have no problem banning HamasTV, but also has no problem in creating the Al Dura hoax and blood libel that launched any number of violent intifadas.

Pastorius said...

The more one knows about France, the less one understands.