Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tales of Horror From the Gitmo Gulag

(WaPo/Marc Thiessen)- Yesterday’s Post story on the cost of Guantanamo detailed how many U.S. tax dollars had been invested in the naval base. When I traveled to Guantanamo last September, I also saw a lot of money being spent — mostly to improve conditions for detainees who were supposedly leaving in a few months.
Visiting Camp 4, I saw bulldozers lined up for a construction project. The officer in charge explained they were preparing to bulldoze away the gravel in the exercise yard and replace it with sand. Why were they going to such expense, I asked, since the facility is supposedly going to be closed in January? He said the terrorists — 95 percent of detainees are terrorist leaders, operatives or fighters — had complained that it was too hard to play soccer on the gravel, and they wanted sand instead.
The food the terrorists receive at Guantanamo is better than what American forces eat in the camp dining facility — and twice as expensive. The chef in charge of detainee food showed me how she prepared exotic Middle Eastern meals according to the Islamic standards of halal. In addition, terrorists receive special communal “feast” meals twice a week. According to one officer I spoke with, the military at one point spent $125,000 on baklava for the terrorists to enjoy each night during Ramadan.
Guantanamo officials have purchased satellite televisions for the terrorists, with access to al Jazeera and Arabic news and sports channels. Camp officials actually TIVO the soccer matches of the terrorists’ favorite teams for them.

Click on the title to go to WZ and read the kicker to this story. You won't believe it. 

If the Lefties can read that and still not understand, then they ought to be forced to go live at Guantanamo with the Jihadi motherfuckers.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Marc Thiessen is the author of Courting Disaster, an excellent book.