Monday, June 21, 2010

From Gateway Pundit:
Turkey cancelled a 20 year contract to sell water to Israel in retaliation for the May 31 Gaza Flotilla attack on Israeli soldiers.
Israel National News reported:
Turkey has cancelled the planned sale of 1.75 billion cubic feet of water per year to Israel. The sale was to help provide for Israel’s water needs for 20 years.
The decision to cancel the sale was made in retaliation for a May 31 clash in which Israeli commandos boarded a Gaza-bound boat on which were members of the Turkish terrorist group IHH. Members of the group attacked the Israeli soldiers, who opened fire, killing nine.
Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said there will be no more sales to Israel unless Israel “apologizes and expresses its regret” for the incident.
It is unclear if the water project was to have gone forward prior to the flotilla clash. The project was originally planned in 2000, but little progress has been made since in putting it into action, due in part to the high cost of oil, which would have made the transported water prohibitively expensive.
The cancelled water project is not the first sign of Turkey’s anger over the Gaza boats incident. Turkey has also recalled its ambassador, and has frozen a plan to supply Israel with natural gas from Russia using an underwater pipeline.


Epaminondas said...

It's like this, the Turkish PEOPLE are the enemy of the JEWISH people, not ISRAEL, the JEWISH PEOPLE.

The Turkish PEOPLE are already responsible for ONE genocide, a genocide left unrecognized by the ADL for FEAR that it would adversely affect the JEWS in Turkey.

WHO, ARE FUCKED and have been since this govt's election proved that the the TURKISH PEOPLE want an islamic direction.

cjk said...

Yes, the people! I'm so tired of the people's responsibility always being ignored or played down.

That a majority of the American electorate voted in an obvious lying, racist like the Man-Child shows the idiocy which the nation has reached and which will eventually result in our downfall.

Hamas was overwhelmingly elected by the inhabitants of Gaza, no comment needed.



Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and every other nasty regime which is tolerated by the people for a myriad number of reasons usually based on selfishness, ignorance, and or blind twisted pride and envy.

Anonymous said...

The palestinians have an ambassador performing taqyyia... Randa Nabulsi.

What does Turkey buy from Israel?

Anonymous said...

That a majority of the American electorate voted in an obvious lying, racist like the Man-Child shows the idiocy which the nation has reached and which will eventually result in our downfall.

it's not just obama, it's all of his team...

Epaminondas said...

Anon ,,, weapons, electronics, drones AT A MINIMUM

Anonymous said...


I bet they won't let go of it...

Can Israel turn sea water into fresh water rain? Is Israel already doing it?