Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mega Mosque Imam Comes Right Out And Says It: I Love Sharia, And Support Hizbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood

This man needs to be imprisoned for Sedition.

From the Huffington Post:

To understand this, one must understand the role that Islam plays in the Muslim world. In the United States, when we have a grievance, we say, "That's unconstitutional! There ought to be a law." For us, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights are at the core of what we believe.

In the Muslim world, when someone has a grievance and says, "There ought to be a law!" they know that there is one. All the law that a Muslim needs is in the Qur'an and the Hadith, sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Just after 9/11, people would ask me, why do so many movements with political agendas take a religious name? Why are they called the Muslim Brotherhood, or Hizbullah, which means Party of God, or Hamas, which is an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement? I tell them that the Muslim approach to law and justice begins with religious language because secular movements have failed to deliver what Muslims want – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What You Need To Know About The Ground Zero Mosque, The Cordoba Initative, and the Imam Behind Both

Islamic Supremacist 911 Mega Mosque Imam Rauf's "Muslim Leader of the Future" Hater, Anti-Semite, Jihadist

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Tied To "Free Gaza" Flotilla 

About the Ground Zero Mosque Imam

Ground Zero Mosque Imam: "I Don't Believe In Religious Dialogue" 

Ground Zero Mosque Imam Denies Muslims Were Behind 9/11 

Organization Behind Ground Zero Mosque Named After The Seat of the Islamic "Caliphate" - In Other Words, KINGDOM OF ALLAH

Wafa Sultan on Ground Zero Mosque

911 Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Blames Christians: "The US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end"

Chairman Of The Cordoba Initiative Comments On South Park Cartoonifada 

Imam Behind Ground Zero Mosque Refuses to Describe Hamas as Terrorist Group


1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

This oily bastard could be used to grease wheels. "The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights are at the core of what we believe". "WE"? What is this "we", imam? You are not an American. I don't care if you have a phoney US citizenship -- you were born in Kuwait -- you are a Muslim and when you say "muslims" that is the "we" you really mean. The "Ummah" are your people, not Americans. You advocate Sharia, not the U.S. Constitution, and you know full well they are not alike. But you also know the morons at HuffPo and the other carefully uninformed -- evasion has been honed to a fine art by some of these people -- will sponge this b.s. right up.

There's a story up that the FBI tested the "correct" version of the car bomb that failed to ignite in Times Square. Had it been put together properly and detonated it would have been worse than Oklahoma City.

And then where would you and your damned Islamosupremacist Ground Zero mosque, imam Rauf? It's true that all that stood between us and a disaster was one jihadist's incompetence, but he still succeeded in a sense because his failure, and that of the Underwear Bomber, are letting you get away with this crap.

Rock and a hard place, indeed.