Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Associated Press cracked the whip the other day, issuing a strict and specific set of guidelines, approved terminology, and "facts" to be used in its coverage of the Ground Zero mosque.

The AP's agenda is clear, and its policy statement amounts to a resolution to agitate in favor of the mosque and dismiss criticism and concerns about it out of hand.

It is an open and unapologetic statement of journalistic bias.

As Frank Gaffney says in what will be a handy companion to future AP reporting on the mosque, it amounts to a "Muslim Brotherhood narrative about the Islamic cultural center formerly known as the 'Ground Zero mosque'." A thorough deconstruction of AP's pravda, er, "truth," about the project is indeed in order. 
Click here to read the rest at Jihad Watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sonofabitch wants to kill innocent little mockingbirds????

This man knows no limits!
