Ground Zero Mosque Ransom: Developer Dictates Exorbitant Jizya
From Atlas Shrugs:
Blackmailing America.
911 attack, part II: trafficking/profiting in the pain of a nation.
As the obvious ultimate insult becomes more painful, and the polls overwhelmingly oppose the Ground Zero mosque, thug developer Sharif El Gamal et al are dictating the terms (the booty) for taking Ground Zero hostage with an Islamic supremacist mosque on the site of the 911 attack.
Geraldo Rivera (the clownish messenger) is on O'Reilly, showing off that he is on the inside with Muslims in the know, wink, wink, nod nod, as a compromise is being hammered out with these stealth jihadists.
According to Geraldo's inside jizz, a "major [Muslim] 'civil rights activist' close to the prime developer" -- (uh, can you say Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood proxy?) dictates the terms as follows.
Exploiting 911. Ugh.
- If they are to be paid off, they expect at least four times what they paid for the Burlington property. (Nice, huh?)
- If it's a property switch, it must be a "better commercial value in the immediate vicinity" of Ground Zero, south of Houston street and perhaps east of Broadway.
It is galling that we the taxpayers are going to pay a jizya for this stealth jihadist to do the decent and moral thing.
Apparently this crew is capable of neither decency nor morality.
There's more. Go read the whole thing.
Perhaps before making an offer we let it all cool down, disappear and leave it to the NYC unions to make it understood this is not going to happen...and then they will be happy to get out of it for an even swap or worse.
If I were Deb Burlingame I'd be on the phone with union leaders and shop stewards NOW
I reside two hours north of GZ and there are hundreds of Construction, ConEd and related workers who commute daily to NYC and currently suffer serious respiratory illnesses due to the ash and smoke inhaled on 9/11/2011. Many walked for hours, trying to find a way home, choking, blinded and blanketed with ash of incinerated victims of 9/11. These folks live with the fallout of this event - making it impossible to forget the lessons taught by Islam that day. They won't lift a finger to build anything for this project. Actually, this project has put to the table the long necessary open dialog we've been hoping for. Up until the announcement of this Cordoba Initiative, these hardworking folks kept to themselves and carried on the best they could. Rauf and company dared to poke them in the eye. Push back is getting loud and furious.
A checkout gal at my local grocer lamented the audacity of the mosque developers. Not in whispered tones. She didn't know me or my husband personally. This conversation would never have taken place prior to Rauf's gamble. It is extremely encouraging to witness the average Joe wake up and respond with confidence in who we are and what we stand for. The unemployed amongst these voices are the loudest. Tax dollars will not go to this venture without a revolt.
The tide is turning. Pass the popcorn.
This is very good to hear.
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