Friday, August 20, 2010

How Many Different Ways Do We Have To Tell Muslims, They Are Not Welcome

From Ace of Spades:
It would never even occur to me, or any decent person, to erect a Museum of American Achievements in Aviation in Hiroshima.

This is not a joke -- I am not saying a museum celebrating the bomb. I am saying a museum that does exactly as I said -- notes American achievements in aviation. Not the Enola Gay, but the Wright Brothers, etc.

The museum I am talking about, hypothetically, would not be baiting, nor celebratory of the bomb, in the least. It would just be a museum of American advancements in aviation.

But of course no sentient being could possibly fail to see how Japanese would take it as a direct provocation, and a nasty reminder of the bomb that fell on Hiroshima 6 August 1945.

And if I were so stupid, tasteless, and Asperger's-afflicted to have suggested such a museum in the first place, if Japanese then told me "That brings up horrifying memories," I wouldn't then arrogantly double-down and begin explaining to them how intolerant they're being, how irrational they're being, how unfair to my enthusiasm for American airpower they're being.
Go read the whole thing.


Black_Rain said...

Ace... said, "stupid, tasteless, and Asperger's-afflicted"..

why the ignorant comment about "Asperger's-afflicted"??. please tell me why you made that comment. that is really a rude, but typical NT comment. makes you sound like a Muslim. it makes me question if you have the sense to really understand what the problem with Islam is.. perhaps you are just on a new Band Wagon because you cant say Niger, Bitch or Fagot anymore.

i have Aspergers Syndrome. i have put up with ass holes like you brutalizing me all thru public school. i beaten unconscious by groups of bully's, broken ribs, broken arm. i was constantly terrorized at school, then beaten daily by my drunken father because i wasn't like my jock brother.

i have an IQ of 165, my mechanical perception/ability/abstract thought is in the 98/99%%. i have a degree in Behavioral Zoology/Child Development,

i was involved with the Development of the F22 Raptor Avionics circuit board development program. i also worked on the Delta3 Rocket, Sea Launch Rocket, F15,
F16, F18, Osprey, Comanche, C17. i was the Rework Specialist for all of the Above and what ever they couldn't do at Seattle .

I've worked in Aerospace for 12 years.. between Shell and Boeing i started a Pilot study in the Prison System, on using Meditation as a tool in Counseling at Juvenile Detention Centers. most of our students turned their lives around within a couple months. i was a student of a Tibetan Lama, the Chant Master from the Dalia Lama's Monastery, for 6 years.

Nerds keep this country running.. Bill Gates is an Aspy. his technological achievements have definitely eclipsed his pathetic politics. but he did grow up within the Oligarchy.. so whatdaya expect.

i was a Peace Corp Volunteer in an Islamic Republic in '73 in Drought Relief in NW Africa i Know Islam's sufferings. I've read 12 books his year on Islam. I'm presently listening to an eBook by Craig Winn.

Aspergers is a Syndrome, there is a collection of symptoms like a bag of marbles.. you are an Aspy if you have 7. we are all different. but most of us perceive in visual images and understand things by putting them together, instead of taking them apart.
we usually have good verbal skills. we also have problems with syntax, spelling etc. you sound like you are so bigoted you have never taken the time to get to know one. most are reasonably invisible.. they are just the guy you go to to get anything fixed. the guy at work that does more better and never makes an error.
there are many unfortunate individuals who have succumbed to social pressures.. like yours, and have totally withdrawn.

your lack of knowledge, tolerance, compassion leads me to believe your world is so myopic that i am really piss'n in the wind here.. wasting my time. but i am an optimist, i really do think it's possible, regardless that the chances are about as good as finding a rain drop in the ocean after its fallen, to connect with someone living in a parallel universe.

Pastorius said...

Black Rain,
You make good points. Thanks. Sorry to have offended you by posting this.

The common understanding is that people will Asberger's Syndrome do not have much feeling for the emotions of others. Is that not true. Is it easy for you to understand the feelings of others?

Ace was, I believe, trying to be humorous with the common conception of Asberger's. I don't think he was trying to be hurtful.

Believe me, I have problems that others make fun of all the time. I have to swallow it, cuz, I know they wouldn't, couldn't understand.

Epaminondas said...

Funny if you read THE BIG SHORT the 'hero' is told by his wife his kid has aspbergers which he never heard of. When he reads about it he realizes HE has aspbergers (which ps so allows him to cut out distractions he is able to pull apart the entire Bear Stearns /Lehman /Citi/Goldman financial house of cards and make a fortune) and when I read that I showed it to my wife and she said 'you jackass, we all know YOU have aspbergers'

No offense was intended, but as usual unless YOU are personally familiar with the real effects of something, imagining the reality always falls stunningly short.

Pastorius said...

Hey, where did Black Rain's comment go?