Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Human Events:

Tea Party Border Rally Draws Mexican Observers
by Robert M. Engstrom
Posted 08/18/2010 ET

While Americans attending the United Border Coalition’s rally at the border gathered in 100 degree temperatures on a ranch next to the Arizona/Mexican border Sunday, it was clearly visible that illegal border crossers have not been discouraged by SB 1070.

On a hillside less than a mile into Mexico, a group of observers appeared.

There was an earful for the English speakers in the group across the border. Former Rep. J.D. Hayworth and more than a dozen conservative political candidates and Arizona Sheriffs Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County and Cochise County’s Larry Dever lambasted the Obama Administration’s handling of border security and illegal immigration.

“I don’t hate anybody, but enough is enough. I didn’t come here to make friends, I came to do my duty to my sworn oath,” said SB 1070 author, state Sen. Russell Pearce. “This invasion today threatens to destroy this republic.”

Pearce called SB 1070 “a success,” noting that tougher enforcement has forced thousands of illegals to leave Arizona and 20 states are considering similar legislation. He pointed out that the federal government has never resisted the assistance of local and state law enforcement agencies on crimes such as drug smuggling, kidnapping and gun running. But Arizona got sued by the federal government for attempting to enforce federal immigration laws while states and cities across the nation illegally promote “sanctuary policies” for illegals and President Barack Obama ignores those travesties.

“It’s absolutely outrageous,” Pearce said. “I believe it’s impeachable.”

Many of the 1,000 plus from around the state and the country at the rally were surprised by the sight of the gathered Mexicans just across the border, but it is a common for residents of the region to spot groups on Mexican hillsides watching the movement of Border Patrol officers and waiting for an opportunity to make a run for the goal line in America.
Hayworth, a strong favorite with the Arizona Tea Party groups to unseat Sen. John McCain, warned that McCain’s new strategy for pushing amnesty for illegals is disguised by the operational term “regularize their status.”

Hayworth called for a rejection of McCain’s flip-flopping past, a restoration of the U.S. Constitution and an open debate in Congress on the history and original intent of the 14th Amendment as it applies to the anchor babies of illegals, a debate McCain decided not to pursue after first agreeing to hearings.

Hayworth called the $600 million border security funding approved by Congress last week, with more than half of those tax payers’ dollars slated to go to a corrupt Mexican government, as “too little and too late.”

Hayworth called the state’s August 24 primary election “Your chance to say we will not be fooled again.”

As Sheriff Joe Arpaio joined Hayworth on the stage, three protestors who made it past UBC’s security squad jumped in front of the speakers’ platform, apparently to pray for the men. They were promptly escorted off the private property after choosing not to be arrested while chanting “do it peacefully.”

The protest ended so quickly with no ruckus and many in the crowd were unaware of what took place. UBC’s Keith Huzar said a total of four protestors were asked to leave the site and several carloads of infiltrators planning disruptions at the rally were stopped from entering the property owned by retired systems engineer Glenn Spencer.

Arpaio ignored the protestors and lamented that the White House refuses to invite him or other Arizona leaders for a visit to talk about real solutions to the border crisis, like putting troops on the border and working with Mexican authorities to end the smuggling cartels’ money-grubbing violence.

“It’s never going to happen,” Arpaio said. “Mexico blames the U.S. for its problems and our government agrees with them.”

Arpaio said that even though he is in his 70s he could easily climb over the tall section of border fence less than 100 yards for the rally, yet less than a half mile away the fence changes to a mere vehicle barrier where the border crosses a protected riparian area. Cartel smugglers cross those barriers with ease using portable ramps. While the Border Patrol cannot enter those areas, the trash, human waste and discarded clothes are clear evidence that border crossers feel no constraints about destroying environmentally sensitive areas.

Annie and Tom Rupp traveled from Hawaii to attend the UBC border rally to meet Arpaio. The Rupps are on their way to Washington, D.C., to attend the August 28 rally at the Lincoln Memorial and the September 12 remembrance of the terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center.

Annie Rupp placed a lei around Arpaio’s neck and told the crowd that their message from the islands is, “We are here to stand with Arizona.”

Sheriff Larry Dever called the fed’s SB 1070 lawsuit “ludicrous,” but “a wonderful opportunity” and Arizona’s “best last chance to fix this problem because the whole world is watching now.”

Dever said the federal government acts like there is an invisible goal line “out there for illegals. It has to stop.”

Fred and Peggy Davis are long-time cattle ranchers near Tombstone, Ariz., and friends of the Krentz family. Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered on his property after going to the aid of a suspected smuggling cartel scout as the Arizona legislature debated SB 1070 last spring.

Peggy Davis said, “We are lawless again” just as it was when cattle ranchers first settled in Arizona territory.

“I do not know a single rancher in Southern Arizona who has not been vandalized and threatened repeatedly,” she said. “It is an unprotected zone where we can’t even let our grandchildren play in our yard anymore. There would not be dead bodies in the desert if we secured that border.”

Fred Davis said his friend Rob Krentz, despite crippling injuries to a hip and his neck, was known for giving border crossers water and food on his property in the past, but he was a careful man who went armed with a pistol and rifle out on the range because “many border crossers now are terrible people. Rob was lured into giving aid and was killed for it.”

Janet Contreras, a candidate for Ed Pastor’s seat in the U.S House of Representatives, told the crowd that the first illegal immigrant deported after SB 1070 took effect was a Canadian identified after a run in with law enforcement, making it clear that Hispanics are not the sole target of the law.

Judson Phillips, a Tea Party Nation organizer, raised the issue of Obama’s approval of the Ground Zero mosque in Manhattan then urged the audience to search the Internet for the last photograph of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church with the American flag out front against the backdrop of the mortally wounded Twin Towers. That church was destroyed when the towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, but unlike the mosque, all efforts to rebuild the St. Nicholas have been rebuffed by government officials in New York and Washington.

Spencer, the land owner where the rally was held, hosted a breakfast for the speakers before the rally began. Spencer is the president of the American Border Patrol, a private organization that uses available technology to monitor the numbers of illegal border crossers. His group flew the first unmanned aerial drones along the border until the Federal Aviation Administration and the Border Patrol forced them to stop, claiming the small drones were a hazard to Border Patrol helicopters.

Spencer has collected data proving that using thermal cameras, seismic sensors and human observers can do more to solve the immigration problem at a fraction of the cost of the government predator drones, the hugely expensive and failed “virtual fence” and the Homeland Security Agency’s methods. His website at is worth taking a look at.

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