Saturday, August 21, 2010

Major Protest This Sunday Morning at Ground Zero Mosque Site

The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero released a statement announcing a major protest in Lower Manhattan this Sunday,  

August 22:Join construction workers, firefighters, veterans, 9/11 families and first responders, human rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will unite for a major protest at the Ground Zero mosque site.


Anonymous said...


video on islam

warning: shocking

Anonymous said...

A great speech


See it and post it elsewhere

Anonymous said...

El Cid Versus the Mosque

The El Cid Project

revereridesagain said...

Khurram, as another atheist I can understand your upset, but the issue is one of opposition to militant Islam as a force that is threatening our subjugation by violent and stealth jihad. 9/11/2001 was an act of war by adherents of fundamentalist Islam, which is still actively attacking us and seeking to overthrow our constitution. It would be like building a Nazi rally hall in the middle of NYC in 1943.

Whatever disagreements with and objections to other religions we may have, they are not trying to force their will on us. We can ignore them, debate them, and resist at the ballot box any encroachments they make on our laws. Joining with members of othe religions to fight Islamic aggression and defend our freedom is absolutely the right thing to do.

And good on you for renouncing Islam!

trencherbone said...

Muslims' only loyalty is to the Ummah - the global 'brotherhood of believers. Muslim theology describes the West as Dar al-Harb - the domain of war , consequently they regard their host countries as ripe for plunder, predation, extortion, parasitism and eventual subversion and takeover.

Islam can add nothing to Western societies apart from trouble.

Muslims in America will have to choose between loyalty to their country and loyalty to Islam. The two are irreconcilable - Islam is implacable and allows of no compromise on this matter.

Epaminondas said...

Kruuam you are way off the mark.
The objection is to the HISTORICAL building of triumph buildings ON the former position of THE significant object where conquest took place.

Dome of the Rock on Solomon's Temple (and Herod's)

Hagia Sophia

There are HUNDREDS of such examples HISTORICALLY. The location of this mosque is the message to the salafist and khomeinist freaks who simply wish to destroy america and would reinforce their efforts.

This is history and politics. Religion is quite secondary and relevant ONLY because it is so difficult to separate out religious Islam from Political Islam. Something I am SURE you recognize.

The american people DEFEND the muslims' right to build that mosque even as they are saying.. THIS IS A REAL BAD IDEA

Any remote chance this could have had for a 'community' ctr is long gone.

Build it 5-10 blocks away. There are places south of Houston St I AM SURE.

Pastorius said...

Khurram does not feel he/she, or anyone else, is responsible to history he/she does not know.

In other words, Khurram does not think any of us ought to learn the lessons of history, nor live by them, if Khurram has not learned the lesson his or her self.

Christine said...

What we are fighting against is not the "building" itself, but the symbolic message that is being sent.

We have just as much right to fight against this message as the radicals have in attempting to send it.

But, in the effort to protect our country, our fight is far more important.

We fully understand the mission of the Imam. If his message were not so important, his purpose not so steadfast, he would have no problem building this mosque somewhere else. His mission and purpose has nothing whatsoever to do with a love of America.

If Hitler, as a replacement for osama, was out there hiding and orchestrating a takeover of American, building Nazi "community centers" for gatherings of his soldiers, we would be fighting just as hard. The difference? We would not be branded as anti religious or racists.

This has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with protecting our country.

Christine said...

BTW, I do not see osama as the mastermind in this current war. This is much bigger than him.

Anonymous said...

Khurram said...
As an atheist and ex-Muslim I find it despicable to support Christian fundamentalist Americans who are against the construction of a Mosque at Ground Zero

The 9/11 attacks did not discriminate against non-Muslims. Those attacks killed Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Atheists alike.

I think Islam is evil JUST LIKE CHRISITIANITY, ISLAM AND JUDAISM are evil. In fact the Bible has a lot more hateful and vile content.

The construction of mosques can be opposed, but to oppose it at Ground Zero is hilarious.

Should we not be opposing the construction of Catholic Churches next to preschools as well?

Now that would be the Atheist thing to do.


Saturday, August 21, 2010 10:31:00 AM

islam is not a religion, islam is a cult of pedophilia and genocide, mohammad was a pedophile, a genocist, a rapist, a mutilator, an incendiary, etc...