Sunday, August 22, 2010

Maureen Dowd's Deep introverted HATRED of Americans

Today,. NYTGrande-Illusion,-La_2.jpg
At the Bunch of Grapes bookstore on Martha's Vineyard, the sojourning President Obama bought a few books, including "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It was for his daughter, but it may have also conjured a sweet memory for the beleaguered president. Only a couple of years ago, when he was campaigning, Obama inspired comparisons with the noble lawyer Atticus Finch.

The bookstore gave the president a copy of "Freedom," a new novel by Jonathan Franzen about a dysfunctional family in America. This is apt, since Obama is the head of the dysfunctional family of America -- a rational man running a most irrational nation, a high-minded man in a low-minded age.

The country is having some weird mass nervous breakdown, with the right spreading fear and disinformation that is amplified by the poisonous echo chamber that is the modern media environment.

The dispute over the Islamic center has tripped some deep national lunacy. The unbottled anger and suspicion concerning ground zero show that many Americans haven't flushed the trauma of 9/11 out of their systems -- making them easy prey for fearmongers.

Sorry Miss Dowd.

First, Atticus Finch did not spend 20 years listening voluntarily to hate america messages, whereas Obama by doing so told HIS followers, 'stand up, Rev Wright is passing'

Second, the anger and suspicion over ground zero as you put it is no more and no less than the common sense objective conclusion that the very INSTITUTIONS TOUTED, praised and to be expanded in authority and power by Obama in this "summer of recovery" have completely failed to reveal, act on and rely on truth and reality. Rather, their purpose is to tell us WHAT TO BUY, what we are COMPELLED to buy.

No one likes to be told what to buy, when to buy and be told OR ELSE...

Their purpose is to tell us what to believe..and how to practice it..what to accept and how to accept it. And if some find that even as they defend the Salafis right to BUILD a mosque, they think it a horrific idea and wish to stop and move it ... then you see that the result MUST be that of fear mongering and not the proper response of a people devoted to the Bill of Rights but repelled even as they were at Skokie

The real truth you just can't self admit is before you....

How can a man who has written two best-selling memoirs and been on TV so much that some Democrats worried he was overexposed be getting less known and more misunderstood by the day?

Barack Obama is so narcissitic he cannot help displaying who he is even as he acknowledges to himself that with every moment he does so, he displays for the American people his antipathy for the ideals they love born in 1776 and brought to fruition in 1789 in what he has called a 'deeply flawed document', written no doubt by what he regards as old white slave holding men to enshrine the hated property as being critical to freedoms

The deeply flawed lunacy you see in Americans is their commitment to the principles which give the greatest number the most individual freedoms and protects those freedom for each person. I am sure you are compelled to scoff at such a sacrilege to elite thinking.

Too lofty to pay heed to the daily bump and grind of politics, Obama has failed to present himself as someone with the common touch. And to the extent that people don't know him or don't get him, he becomes easier to demonize.

You are quite correct that in the mirror, Obama sees someone too lofty to get down in there with the people, but in that gap between what you perceive of as Atticus Finch, and what the Americans DO NOW recognize lies the war in this nation. Every attempt Obama makes to make himself easier to 'get' will result in more rejection.

He was, for better or worse, elected to be NOT BUSH, and not himself. Obama's self is something which REPELS us politically even as some people find him likable. His ideas are not only repellent, but they mark him as of the political class of the self select, at the precise moment the ascendant political forces forces of THE PEOPLE are sickened by this group.

He is done in by this.

Your bitterness is just beginning.

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Always On Watch said...

The country is having some weird mass nervous breakdown, with the right spreading fear and disinformation...

Echoes of what my Dem neighbor ranted about the other day to me.

This neighbor of mine hails from Canada and USED TO BE quite the mild-mannered man, one who never expressed animosity toward anybody, no matter that person's political views. Now my neighbor is foaming at the mouth and threatening to "take on" anybody who criticizes ObamaKare -- or anything about BHO's policies, for that matter.

What the hell has happened to this man whom I've known since 1978? I tell you that I was shocked at my neighbor's tirade the other day. For a minute, I thought he was going to go postal on ME!

Epaminondas said...

Wait until Nov 3

Pastorius said...

Maureen Dowd: Wahh wahh!

Any rational person with an IQ above 95: What's wrong?

Maureen Dowd: Wahh wahh wahh wahh!

Rhetoric is not a story. Rhetoric is not an argument. Rhetoric is mere emoting, without the structure of logic and storyline, or as dumbass liberals like to say, narrative.