If you want to wear Hijab at work, then work serving coffee in the Hijab Cafe. Don't expect to work at top-notch resorts backed by America's most powerful brands.
Disney does not want it's brand defiled, distorted, or confused by the fashion statements of it's employees.
Believe me, you couldn't work at this place if you had piercings in your tonque, or tatoos on your neck. Why should a Muslim be able to wear
it's socio-religio fashion statement.
What is America going to do in response to this Muslim provocation; determine that corporations no longer have the right to make rules about the image they want their employees to present to the public?
Yeah, I don't think so.
From the Orange County Register:
Disneyland Resort hotel employee accused Disney of discrimination for refusing to let her wear a Muslim head scarf at work in public.
Imane Boudlal, a restaurant hostess at the Storytellers’ Cafe in the Grand Californian Hotel in Downtown Disney, said she has been sent home without pay four times this week after attempting to wear a hijab at work.
But Suzi Brown, a Disneyland Resort spokeswoman, said Boudlal was offered a behind-the-scenes assignment at the restaurant until a solution could be figured out. Brown denied that the company discriminated against Boudlal.
They're too late. My summer job, 1969 as Donald
Oh man. I think I'm in love.
CAIR really needs to be called out again. Given the Stealth Jihadist nature of that organization, if they had their way, Disney land wouldn't even be allowed to operate. I mean seriously, the things that go on there would unclean in a Jihadists eyes. I mean to Jihadist the conservative prudish 1950's was too loose sexually.
You should put a parental advisory warning on that. Disney is rolling in his grave!
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