In Bold Display, Taliban Order Stoning Deaths By ROD NORDLAND
KABUL, Afghanistan -- The Taliban on Sunday ordered their first public executions by stoning since their fall from power nine years ago, killing a young couple who had eloped, according to Afghan officials and a witness.
The punishment was carried out by hundreds of the victims' neighbors in a village in northern Kunduz Province, according to Nadir Khan, 40, a local farmer and Taliban sympathizer, who was interviewed by telephone. Even family members were involved, both in the stoning and in tricking the couple into returning after they had fled.
Mr. Khan said that as a Taliban mullah prepared to read the judgment of a religious court, the lovers, a 25-year-old man named Khayyam and a 19-year-old woman named Siddiqa, defiantly confessed in public to their relationship. "They said, 'We love each other no matter what happens,' " Mr. Khan said.
The executions were the latest in a series of cases where the Taliban have imposed their harsh version of Shariah law for social crimes, reminiscent of their behavior during their decade of ruling the country. In recent years, Taliban officials have sought to play down their bloody punishments of the past, as they concentrated on building up popular support.
Progressives are sheep who love strong, "bold" leaders. They admired Hitler and Mussolini until it just became too embarrassing to do so, and look at citizen of the world Tom Friedman's lament that our government is not more like Red Chinas.
Hi Guys.
I have a lot of words i would use to discribe "This" none of them even resemble bold.
But what do you expect from people who stand behind Karzai who's considering to reinstate sharia law.I can only say get our troops out of there they are being betrayed there and here.
When you live in "The Bronze Age" as they do, the medieval faith of Islam seems to make sense.
It's like living 1000 years ago and the doctor bleeding you because you're not feeling well. We would say "barbaric" and they'd say, "that's what we do in this medieval world."
Only we're not living in a medieval world. We have penicillin -- but they'd still rather bleed somebody.
I hope you don't mind that I re-post this.
It's an yet another example of the "Religion of Peace". And stands in stark contrast to everyone else on the planet.
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