Friday, August 20, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson Moronic Truther

Bush let 9/11 happen.


Epaminondas said...

Sure and so did FDR.

It's fantastic stuff.

Ed Schultz, too.

And they call the tea party fringe.

IT !

Anonymous said...

Alan Grayson is a first class douche.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

I don't think I'd call this guy a truther, because truthers believe that the government itself carried out 9/11. However this guy's claim that Bush just let it happen is almost as baseless and unreasonable. Almost no one prior to 9/11 could have seen it coming and Bush had just been elected about a month earlier, so what he's saying is hardly fair. That said, technically I don't think he's a truther.