Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sherrod, Obama, And The Pig-Farmers Fraud

Read THIS!

Money quote:
...Ms. Sherrod has also exposed the person who aided and abetted her in this race fraud. As it turns out, the original judgment of “Pigford v. Glickman” in 1999 only applied to a total of about 16,000 black farmers.

But.... in 2008, a junior US Senator got a law passed to reopen the case and allow more black farmers to sue for funds. The Senator was Barack Hussein Obama.

Because this law was passed in dead silence and because the woman responsible for spearheading it was an obscure USDA official, American taxpayers did not realize that they had just been forced in the midst of a worldwide depression to pay out more than $1.25 billion to settle a race claim....
Read the rest over at GeeeeeZ!


Mother Effingby said...

Oh, it's even better than this. Sherrod and hubby were more loathsome than you can imagine. And why should we be surprised. They are communists. What would a commie be without her precious collective gulag farm?

Unknown said...

Hi Guys.
Amazing how the Lord works how a common animal as a pig can bring on so much trouble,no wonder Muslims hate them.hahahahaha