Thursday, August 05, 2010

Texas Ranchers Hiring Gate Guards

h/t Gateway Pundit


revereridesagain said...

Got a question. Where do these people get $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 to give to "coyotes" to smuggle them in here for a "chance at a better life"? I would have a hell of time putting that amount of cash together and I'm an American who has worked all my life.

Mother Effingby said...

They often pool their resources, but more often than not, they are 'loaned' the money by the smugglers, who get them into jobs as slave laborers for Americans doing restaurant work, lawn work, sweat shop work and meat packing plant work. The money is then paid from legitimate wages to the slave trafficker, and the slave barely subsists. I have seen this dynamic at work for myself, and it isn't limited to Mexicans and central Americans, but it is practiced all over the world. Slavery is a huge problem. In the restaurant business, alone, I bet that most of the workers are slave workers. The people hiring them wouldn't know it, either, unless you were eating at a Chinese restaurant. I saw this first hand when my daughter worked with Chinese laborers at a sushi restaurant. They hired a chinese girl, who was never paid, and never got time off from work. She ultimately ran away, but things like this happen all the time. Whenever you go in to eat and you see alot of Mexican or Central American staff, wonder if all their wages aren't going to pay off the smuggler who brought them here.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

I think they are expecting them to work hard to pay them off once they get here. They're doing it more on credit, hoping to one day have the money to pay them off. I'd personally hate to be of the people who one of the coyotes smuggled in here and was unable to pay him back. I can just imagine what they might do to me.

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

By the way, this story makes me really glad we have the second amendment.