Sunday, September 19, 2010

Afghanistan: election's day amid threats and kidnappings

Elections on Afghanistan were held amid the threats from the Talibans against the voters, the kidnappings of several campaign workers and, probably, of a candidate too, and the risks that female candidates have in this country.
About violence, yesterday there were several episodes of violence against voters. The most important ones are these two. The first, from Reuters:
"One national army and six Arbaki (militiamen) were killed in the attack," Baghlan's police chief, Abdul Rahman Rahimi, told reporters by phone. Five others were wounded in the attack in Baghlan province, which took place near a polling station and an adjacent security outpost.
The second reported by Herald Sun:
A mortar bomb attack in northern Takhar province killed one man and injured two of his sons, said provincial spokesman Faiz Mohammad Tawhidi, after an earlier rocket attack killed two people in volatile eastern Nangarhar province.
The violence came as Afghans voted across the country despite Taliban threats to attack polling centres and security forces, and warnings that voters could expect to be harmed.
About the kidnappings: NYTimes:
The Taliban on Friday claimed to have kidnapped 30 campaign workers, election officials and even a candidate for Parliament as Afghans prepared to vote in elections Saturday.
...On Thursday evening in northern Badghis Province, 8 workers with the Independent Election Commission and 10 campaigners for a candidate went to meet with village elders in Qolghai, in Muqur District, about opening a polling station, but armed Taliban insurgents in the village took them prisoner, according to Sharafuddin Majidi, a spokesman for the provincial governor.
In eastern Afghanistan, a candidate, Mollawi Hayatullah Purqani, was driving in the Alishing District of Laghman Province on Friday morning when he was stopped by the Taliban and taken away, according to Abdul Rahman Muhabat, head of the election commission in the province, who said that others with Mr. Purqani may have been kidnapped as well.
And lastly, related to the risks that have female candidates, Radio Free Europe run this article. An excerpt:
The Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan, an independent watchdog body, says that women remain the main target of election-related intimidation. For every 10 threats made against candidates, nine were made against women candidates, according to the foundation.

NATO soldier killed in Northern Afghanistan.
American soldiers ambushed in dramatic video.
Risky climate for female candidates in Afghan poles.
Afghan vote marked by light turnout and violence.
Cross-posted from T&P.
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Anonymous said...


Ossama's Mentor....

"SNIP...Bin Laden proclaimed his grand strategy in the 1990’s. He would oust the modern "Crusaders’ by luring the US and its allies into a series of small, debilitating, hugely expensive wars to bleed and slowly bankrupt the US economy, which he called America’s Achilles’ heel.

Bloody attacks would enrage the US and lure it into one quagmire after another.

Bin Laden was dismissed by western intelligence as a crackpot and "enragé."

But both the dimwitted President Gorge W. Bush and the intelligent President Barack Obama fell right into Osama’s carefully-laid trap... SNIP.

so when do we WIZEN the hell up.?
the $2,000,000,000 dollars worth of minerals there are not going to go to this country.. we are being lured into destruction. the President of Afghanistan is a drug dealer and a thief.. sucking up all precious money loaned to us by people who want to destroy us.!!

we need to get a Manhattan Project style program to free us of fossil fuel as an energy source.. we will need all the oil we have to fight the Armageddon against the Muslims. that war will never end till the last Muslim is gone. that will be a war like no other fought on this earth.

when the Shiites kick out the Sunni Royal Family and stop all their oil to this country we will be hurt badly.. and then the greedy Faso-Corporatists will finish us off. then we will not be able to even begin to protect ourselves from Islam.

the Populist End Times theory's have it all wrong.. the The End of Times is when they are cutting your throat while herding your family off to be sex slaves.

I'm not saying the end is near, not in this generation, but it is unavoidable. Ossama's plan is simple; prevent us from any criticism of Islam..which means preventing any education about islam, then get us to cut our own throats. it is working pretty good

Silverfiddle said...

Sadly, I agree with Anon. We need to get out. Let China, Russia and Pakistan handle it.

American Rose said...

Yes, Silverfiddle, it will come down to Russia and China.

Pastorius said...

Yep. And, Epaminondas has been saying the same thing.

I have a hard time believing we can isolate ourselves from the Islamic world, so I prefer the WWII method.