Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hunk of the Week? and a PSA

When I got this envelope under the door I could hear heavy breathing coming from it. The envelope, not the door.

When I opened it it took hours to clean off the lipstick and drool and sweat.

No wonder Pastorius sent it to me to deal with.

Who is dis guy?

And to the anonymous party who sent it to Pasto, in the future please provide a translation. I can't understand a word he's saying.

Joaquin Cortes montaje Amor Odio

Pastorius also suggested I include this PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT
Under the circumstances I think it only prudent.


Alexander Münch said...

===" Female masturbation is more risky than male masturbation."===
==="They will think she must have had forbidden relations ... "===
With whom ? With What ? How ?
This " Mega Brain-Masturbator" just sent most of the guys to blow themselves ( and others ) to bits !
Even the Virgins in Heave are complaining loudly :- " We are very miserable ! They all arrive with a missing DINK!... ".

Anonymous said...

Even the Virgins in Heave are complaining loudly :- " We are very miserable ! They all arrive with a missing DINK!... ".


Anonymous said...

here is a link to Thighing.. Muslim men using infants as masturbation toys...

there is a lot on this subject. wafa Sultan is really give'n em hell.. one guy pipes up with.."it doesn't hurt them" Sicp pigs.