Wednesday, September 08, 2010

India, The Most Pro-Israel Country In The World

I'm guessing this is because Indians do not fall, for a second, for any Islamic bullshit, because they've seen enough of it themselves. They know Taqiyya when they see it.

From Ynet:
The greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, according to international study on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.
According to the study, which was unprecedented in scope and was undertaken by an international market research company, 58% of Indian respondents showed sympathy to the Jewish State. The United States came in second, with 56% of American respondents sympathizing with Israel.
The study was undertaken as part of the "Branding Israel" project and aimed at looking into Israel's international stature at what researchers characterized as the world's 13 most important countries, including the US, Canada, Britain, France, China, and Russia. A total of 5,215 people took part in the study.
Other countries that showed significant sympathy to Israel included Russia (52%) Mexico (52%) and China (50%). At the bottom of the list, the study ranked Britain (34%) France (27%) and Spain (23%) as the least sympathetic countries towards Israel.


Total said...

Indians know exactly what it's like to suffer persecution and threats of destruction from aggressive Islamic invaders and neighbors. In fact, no other peoples in the history of the world have suffered greater injustices and persecution at the hands of Muslims conquerers than the Indians. It's no surprise that they sympathize with the state of Israel.

ACE said...

Well, before the advent of Islam we were more open then the modern western world. A religious sage wrote the Kamasutra, we invented the zero and we were co existing peacefully with Buddhism and Jainism as well as a Jewish immigrant minority. Hinduism and Buddhism were predominant from Afghanistan to Indonesia purely on the basis of philosophical reasoning not military conquests. These mother fuckers were able to plunder us because we were divided in 600 odd states. They stole our achievements (thats why the number system is called arabic, even though its indian, since they introduced it to the western world),poisoned our culture into a conservative one. (out of 5000 honor killings per year 1000 take place in india and 2000 in pakistan), and divided our mother land, which has a religious significance just like Israel,we regard it to be holy. Please stop this from happening to the western world.
check this out

Pastorius said...

You are Indian? Do you live in India?

Do you have a blog of your own?

ACE said...

Yes i am Indian , i also live in India.
No, no blog yet, i have too much studies on my hand. the competition here is tough. may be i'll make one soon.
In india we have a less critical problem since all the radicals went to pak during partition. What remains is the muslims that saw themselves as indians first. Although there are fringe elements and its a delicate balance. Secondly they are ethnically the same people, their ancestors chickened out and converted by point of sword. So you guys have a much more tough job on your hand with the arabs.

ACE said...

On an unrelated topic i thought i must share this tweet by an indian intellect with every one.
" If you plunder from west to east you are known as Alexander the great. Do the same from east to west and you are Genghis khan the barbarian"
This outlines the need to monitor the educational system and prevent the injection of false interpretations, like Pedo-Rapist-MassMurderer-Mo was merciful.