Monday, September 20, 2010

Just Another One Of The Small Inconveniences We Put Up With For The Pleasure Of Living With All The Moderate Muslims Here In The USA

The Moderate Muslims; you know, all the Muslims who go to Mosque and cry out against this kind of Jihadist behavior, the ones who march in the street against the Islamist infringement on the lives of their neighbors, the ones who protest against Sharia practices like the murder of gays, apostates, and adulterers.

You know, those moderate Muslims.

I'm sure you will agree with me. They are a pleasure to live with, and they are worth the small inconveniences, right?
Muslim man disgusted with Chicago Politics tries to bomb Wrigleyville
A 22-year-old Chicago northsider Lebanese man, Sami Samir Hassoun, who is disgusted with Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago politics is in custody for allegedly attempting to bomb the Wrigleyville bar district on Saturday night.according to a law enforcement source close to this author, is a “devout Muslim and permanent legal resident from Lebanon.” He appeared on the radar screen of federal authorities in early June, when he solicited assistance and advice from associates to “wage jihad on the streets of America.”Authorities were tipped off by a co-worker of the man, and the bomber was caught in the act of carrying out his plan.In June, HASSOUN was directed to an undercover FBI agent whom he believed was a “jihadist contact.” HASSOUN “worked” with the undercover agent through August, at which point he decided to plant a powerful “anti-personnel” bomb in a crowded area near Wrigley Field last Saturday night. While under direct FBI surveillance, HASSOUN was provided with a realistic looking but inert bomb and given instructions on how to use it. Agents arrested HASSOUN as he placed the inert bomb inside of a trash container in an area filled with people and popular night spots near the corner of Eddy and Clark Street, about one block south of Wrigley Field.Sami Samir Hassoun allegedly admitted to planning to blow up Willis Tower or locations along Chicago's Lake Michigan lakefront. He is being arraigned in Chicago this afternoon.Read the full story here and here.Click here for comments.


revereridesagain said...

FOX News reporting a shooting and lockdown at Fort Bliss, TX. No details as yet.

Jason Pappas said...

How many jihadi attacks and attempts does it take before we can say "it is not just a few?"

It seems like it is every hour. You don't even have to go to ... you just have to read yahoo news and somewhere in the world a Muslim goes jihad!

revereridesagain said...

JP -- In answer to your question: As soon as we fail to catch one before he succeeds.