First, order your Free Krayon here.
When you receive it in the mail, immediately marinate it in warmed pig fat, sprinkled generously with garlic, salt, and pepper.
Heat up the Mesquite coals on the Grill, and have at it.
Don't forget to use extra lighter fluid for that well-done effect.
Remember, whatever you do, don't eat the Krayon. Instead, scoop up the remaining ashes and crispy pieces of paper, dump them in the toilet, and flush.
Actually, if you want to get real artistic with the recipe, you could marinate the Krayon a second time - while it is sitting in the toilet bowl - before flushing.
Thanks for the recipe. ;)
Sure, IBA is such a multi-faceted blog. There really isn't an area of life we don't touch on during the course of a month or so.
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