Monday, September 20, 2010

Muslims Say It’s Un-Australian to Ban Burqa

We’re fighting the same totalitarian enemy here.
(Sydney Morning Herald)Islamic values are superior to ”flawed” Western secular values and non-Muslims are in no position to lecture Muslims about the oppression of women, a speaker said yesterday at a Sydney rally against proposals to ban the burqa.
 Click on the title to read the whole story at Weasel Zippers.


Silverfiddle said...

Ideological jujitsu. They use a society's freedoms to snuff those same freedoms.

Why isn't everybody in the western world tired of this crap?

Black_Rain said...

2 words...

.......Stockholm Syndrome.......

Anonymous said...

4 words...

Stockholm Syndrome, traitorous journalists

no, 6 ...

Stockholm Syndrome, traitorous journalists, cowardly leadership