Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Muslims Threaten France With Terror Over Burqa Ban

Yeserday, French Parliament put the finishing touches on their Burqa ban:

French Senate Passes Burqa Ban…

Vive La France!…
PARIS (AP)The French Senate has voted overwhelmingly for a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil everywhere from post offices to streets, in a final step toward a making it law.

The Senate voted 246 to 1 Tuesday in favor of the bill, which has already passed in the lower chamber, the National Assembly.


Muslims the world over argue that their religion is a peaceful one but Islamic authorities in Asia have warned that French lawmakers" decision to ban full-face veils could spark a terrorist backlash. "Middle Eastern Muslim women wear full-face veils as part of their culture and religious belief," Amidhan, the chairman of the Indonesia Ulema Council, told AFP, while the Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) says the vote had angered Muslims and could trigger terrorist attacks.

Amidhan says if the French parliament wants to champion human rights, it should allow women to wear the veils in public. "If it"s for security reasons, the question is to what extent is there a threat posed by women wearing burqas?" I say how can police make out that the person in those habit-like outfits is indeed a woman? Also each country has a right to make its own laws without pleasing bodies in other countries.

Life is simple but we make it complicated. Saudi Arabia does not allow other faiths to be practiced openly and no churches or synagogues are allowed. And it"s their right, just as it is France"s rights to ban people covering their faces in public. Even banks don"t allow people to come in wearing bike helmets or balaclavas.


Damien said...


I really hope the French don't cave on this.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking a nice French wine with dinner tonight.