Tuesday, September 07, 2010

No Remorse: George Soros Worked As Nazi Collaborator Confiscating The Property of Fellow Jews - In This 60 Minutes Interview He Declares, "If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away"

Please ignore the Lyndon LaRouche crap in this video. The point is the 60 Minutes Interview with Soros.


Total said...

Yeah, if Eichmann didn't massacre Jews, Hitler would have simply had somebody else do it. "I was just obeying orders" and "someone else would have done it" are pretty much used by all major Nazis as excuses. Soros deserves to pay dearly in the afterlife for his lack of remorse. Even Albert Speer admitted guilt and attempted to repent for his actions, even though he claimed to be unaware of what was going on.

Pastorius said...

At the very lease, what he did was theft. He deserves to pay in this life, if you ask me.

Total said...

He deserves to pay in this life, but you and I both know that he won't.

Pastorius said...

Yes, you are likely right about that.

Anonymous said...

yes he will.

he will pay with his life. his ever lasting life.

most injustices in the world never see justice met out.

evil dooers generally get of scot free.

they have since the beginning of time.

so you can either be an athiest or beleive in a God,

as an athiest its dismally clear that truly there is little to no justice in the world. any justice dispensed is just catching a few grains of sand in your hand as a whole beach lays beside you.

as a believer in a higher power, it is impossible to beleive that there is a higher power but no ultimate justice to be faced by evil doers.

so that said, this scum bag will face justice.

Anonymous said...

yes he will.

he will pay with his life. his ever lasting life.

most injustices in the world never see justice met out.

evil dooers generally get of scot free.

they have since the beginning of time.

so you can either be an athiest or beleive in a God,

as an athiest its dismally clear that truly there is little to no justice in the world. any justice dispensed is just catching a few grains of sand in your hand as a whole beach lays beside you.

as a believer in a higher power, it is impossible to beleive that there is a higher power but no ultimate justice to be faced by evil doers.

so that said, this scum bag will face justice.

Unknown said...

I wonder why Wiesenthal let this fish slip away?Or was he also funding them?

Dag said...

Soros is a psychopath. He cannot get it, that he is not a real human being. It's like being colour-blind: one might know of red, but knowing about it and seeing it are not the same. Soros will never get Humanness. If you want punishment, consider that his is that he cannot ever feel guilt. That means he'll never understand that he is corrupt, and he will never know the good of repentance. Who would or could punish a man more fully than that? That's the justice we wish for, I guess, though it's worse than anything a man could do to another.

Pastorius said...

He probably thinks that all of us normal human beings, are just manifesting our weakness, when we talk of justice and repentance.

Dag said...

I look on this as "getting the rules but not the game."

If you can imagine this: that you can say things in a language you don't understand and when you say certain words, others respond to them. Say: "Gobbledy-gook." The person you addressed suddenly gives you a bottle of beer. You know that if you say the words, you get the right reaction, even if it really means nothing to you. It's amusing. You can make people do all kinds of things just by making the right noises. Same with expressions and gestures: you do something that personally means nothing, and then people smile and give you things in return. A smart fellow can manipulate this kind of rule into billions of dollars and public adulation, all without having any idea of the meaning of it, knowing the rules piece by piece without any idea what it's about. And that, seems to me, is much of what the "Progressives" among us are about. They can love humanity without knowing anything about people qua people. That's a punishment no one could make. That's just something life does to some. Living a whole life without ever living is a real punishment. It's never having lived. No matter the damage one does to others, they at least can suffer. That, bad as it is, is better than not living at all. That's some small justice for the tortured.

Alexander Münch said...

Yeh, I have found that sentence on the Vid. It is on 03:05 !
I didn't understand the rest ! It sounds to me as being played backwards !
I'm beginning to loose my sanity and it isn't even Friday yet !