Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Obama's A Tea Partier. WHo Knew?

New York Post:

Prez sings an absurd new tune: 'I'm a Li'l Tea-pot'

Last Updated: 4:12 AM, September 21, 2010

Posted: 3:22 AM, September 21, 2010

If you think that's tea you're sipping there, Mr. President, then it must be seriously spiked, and you have way overserved yourself.

Defying the boundaries of political absurdity, President Obama shed his Red coat yesterday and locked bayonets with Republicans in hopes of aligning himself with the anti-establishment Tea Party and its mantle of "Don't Tread on Me."

Calling the movement part of a "noble" American tradition, Obama whined that Tea Partiers have simply misidentified the real culprits in Washington.

It's those untax-and-spend Republicans, he insisted.

Not wise and frugal Democratic statesmen such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and himself.

OBAMA now says he thinks skepticism of the federal govern ment is healthy.

And, suddenly, he says he now believes in a limited, fiscally conservative government.

And people say Glenn Beck is crazy?

This is the same guy who spent $787 billion we did not have on a stimulus plan that has yet to create very many jobs.

This is the same guy who believes the federal government should be responsible for the health-care needs of everybody in the country and spent another roughly $1 trillion in money we don't have to buy us a government program we did not want.

And this is the man who has spent money we do not have at such a blistering pace that in the first 19 months of his administration, he racked up more public debt than every one of his predecessors from George Washington to Ronald Reagan. Combined!

But no worries. Obama is really going to fix things now.

"We've proposed to freeze discretionary spending for three years, to start whittling down some of the debt that I inherited," he bleated yesterday.

THAT would be like for mer President Bush showing up in New Or leans after Hurricane Katrina all hapless and offering the use of his kitchen sponge to soak up some of the flooding.

So, Obama is the responsible fiscal conservative now?

What's next?

Obama becomes one of those crazy "birthers" his administration used to spend so much time attacking?

But forget demanding to see his birth certificate or inquiring whether he was born in America.

The real question is becoming: What planet is the guy from?

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