Pakistani Minister, Ayatullah Durrani, wants Barack Obama to offer Eid (Ramadan) prayers at Ground Zero on September 11 and take his rightful place as ‘Amir-ul-Momineen,’ Caliph of the Muslim world
From Bare Naked Islam:Islamabad, Sep 2 (PTI) Minister of State for Industries Ayatullah Durrani, who belongs to the ruling Pakistan People”s Party, said the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr festival, expected to be observed on September 11, would be a “golden opportunity” for Obama to offer Eid prayers and declare himself the leader of all Muslims.

Durrani, a former member of the Pakistan Ideological Council, contended that the Muslim world is in “dire need” of a Caliph and occupying this distinguished slot would provide Obama “exemplary titles” like “Mullah Barack Hussain Obama” or “Allama Obama”.
He said: “The time is approaching fast. Barack Hussain Obama must act now. This is a golden opportunity, Muslims badly need it.”
Obama”s elevation to the Islamic Caliphate would be the “key to success, he claimed but did not offer any explanation for his remarks. MSN
But,but ,but I'm a Christian!I have a special relationship with Jesus Christ!It's an evil Zionist plot !It's all Pamela Geller and Spencer their accusations at work!
Call up the vengence of an army of souls cast to their premature graves at the point of Islam's sword. Let not another muslim dare cast their vile shadow near the graves of Ground Zero for such trespass will haunt them making them wish for their own eternal hellfire beyond the grave.
that's an interesting thing actually, that this year Eid does coincide with 9/11 Terrorist attack anniversary.
There is already great buzz in terms of "promoting sensitivity" if Muslim worshipers at Park51, which is currently an effective and operating prayer house are acting happy and exchanging gifts, for those who attend Ground Zero on this National Remembrance Day and happen to glimpse at the jubilation on this anniversary of Tragedy not to "be offended."
Obummah's cover is busted.
I've been wavering today about whether to spend 6 hours each way going down to NYC a week from Saturday to wave flags and sing "God Bless America", which is apparently where plans are at this point. However, to watch the Obamullah make that kind of fool of himself on that large a public stage, I would walk over broken glass.
Too bad there ain't a snowball's chance in hell. Thanks for asking, though, Ayabummah Durrani.
You don't like the flag idea?
I'm a bit puzzled at the thinking behind it. It's appropriate because of it being 9/11 and a memorial service, certainly. But if anyone thinks we are going to escape the libels of the libtard press by refraining from signs with specific messages, I refer them to one of my favorite protest signs: "It Doesn't Matter What This Sign Say, You'll Call It Racist Anyway". It doesn't matter how many flags we bring. About the only way we could NOT get called right wing racist enemies of religious freedom is to make no reference whatever to the mosque or Islam in the speeches. If we hold the memorial with the flags and the speakers address the subject of the "insensitivity" of the location of the mosque, then we will have questioned Islam and we will get attacked for it. Perhaps that will make a few more relatively rational but previously uninterested people watching MSNBC try to shred us sit up and go "WTF -- these people are just carrying flags. what's wrong with that?", which is good.
I suspect there may be security issues and perhaps undue pressure from NYC officials and/or threats from radicals at work here. This may be our best chance at robbing them of anything specific to complain about. They will rather obviously have to make fools of themselves by attacking us. And so far, SIOA's efforts at uncovering unpleasant truths about the whole Ground Zero mosque project have been exemplary.
But the June 6 protest had all kinds of defiant, original, hard-hitting, informative, and yes, occasionally "inflammatory" signs. And that was a great protest. Why not do it again?
Maybe they're trying to out the infiltrators.
To me, it comes across as, "We can't trust out own people to behave themselves."
Oh, it will definitely help to out the infiltrators; that's one of the good points. Unfortunately, some of the potential participants are already complaining about being told how to protest and this could result in some unfortunate confrontations with our own people.
Plus, we can't very well run protests on this basis all the time. 9/11 is different in that it is an anniversary memorial.
Meanwhile I am just enjoying the thought of Obummah trying to figure out how to answer this one, if at all, without "offending" anyone. Especially since the whole Pakistani military is now pissed off over 8 of their officers getting tossed off that plane for Flying While Stupid.
I am in favor of BHO leaving the United States and bringing his community organizing to Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Please, make take all that hope and change and incorporate it into your laws.
I too was a bit puzzled by the flags-only directive, but I have learned to trust Pam's (and Robert's) instincts even when they conflict with my own.
Whenever my faith in her wobbles, I simply think back to the great schism and how I initially wanted Pam to ease up on poor old Chucky Boy - to whitewash over their minor differences for the *much greater good* of counter-jihad unity.
Gah, I think I may even have dropped her a note asking as much. Doh!
RRA, please do make that drive if you are in any way able to.
ok, don't mean to sound paranoid here, but it appears that mosque "supporters" are using the same "no signs" tactic (e.g.
Also, can someone clarify, wasn't SIOA supposed to hold a rally on the 10th (or so was the announcement back on june 6th)
I also have a special relation with Jesus, i have dremed of him many times and he talks to me(and he is not very happy with som of his follower by the way) and I am a muslem, I realy dislike the way so many moslems are misunderstood specialy "sonnies"! their shortmindness (and stupidity) is taking islam to a wrong direction & place, this people are and always and had been poor in culture and ethics, that's why islam appeared in that area originally and appeared in arabic language, our prophit Mohammad never attacked any one except those who were sucking up people's life with their powers and forces, nor he ever attack (or order to attack) people for being christians, infact Quran talks about Jesus and Virgin Maryam atleast 20 times more than Mohammad himself, and God mentions in our wholly book that let people worship me anyways they want, as long as they know that I am one and have no childeren or parents, and this is the same as Jesus original teachings too!
God bless!!!
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