Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rifqa Bary gets her green card, and Rifqa's attorney and Pamela Geller get sued by CAIR attorney Omar Tarazi

Click on the title to read the whole thing at Jawa Report.


American Rose said...

Congratulations, Rifqa! America can use a brave young woman such as you are! Be free! Believe whatever you want to believe!

On another note, I was caught up in reading the media's brouhaha over the mooslem unholy book, and one guy says "What if we just downloand the moooslem unholy book and then delete it?"

Too funny! BURN THE BOOK!

Pastorius said...

You know, that's a funny idea. I like that.

Maybe we could photoshop pieces of crap on it too.

Damien said...


According to Jawa,
"Today, the Bary family's CAIR attorney, Omar Tarazi, filed a federal lawsuit against Rifqa's attorney John Stemberger and Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller. Tarazi suing for $10 million claiming defamation and emotional distress."

defamation and Emotional distress? This ought to be interesting.

Damien said...


Well at least Rifqa's safe for now. I just hope that CAIR's lawsuit is thrown out.

Pastorius said...

CAIR loses every lawsuit, because they are afraid of the discovery process, and they back down at that point.

Pamela Geller has a dedicated and brilliant attorney, David Yerushalmi, behind her.

I am confident she will win.

Damien said...


I can imagine why the people behind CAIR would be afraid of the discovery process.