Thursday, September 09, 2010

Sometimes You Just Gotta Love Your Enemies

Ground Zero Supremacist Imam Rauf Threatens America: "anger will explode in the Muslim world," This crisis ..."could become something very dangerous indeed" "Worse than Danish Cartoon Jihad," GZM is a "national security issue"

Well, well, well, what do you know? Give a Supremacist Muslim enough rope, and they will surely hang themselves. Here, Imam Feisal Rauf unmasks himself, threatening America, telling us, essentially, "If you do not allow us to build a Mosque on the hallowed ground of our greatest victory, we will have to kill you." 

You gotta love your enemies when they tell the truth. Thanks, Feisal.

From Atlas Shrugs:

Rauf said more than once that the issue about what to do with the mosque is important for national security. Imam Bridge Builder warns us numerous times that the 15 story Islamic supremacist mega mosque at Ground Zero is now a "national security issue."

"If we don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world," Rauf said. "... If we don't handle this crisis correctly, it could become something very dangerous indeed."
This crisis could become much bigger than the Danish Cartoon crisis which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world [and hundreds of non-Muslims were slaughtered]
The danish cartoon jihad was a  crisis manufactured by the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) months after the Danish cartoons had actually run in order to impose the sharia/blasphemy laws on the non-Muslim world. Now it has become the operational threat template for Islamic supremacism.
He said moving the project to another location would strengthen Islamist radicals' ability to recruit followers and will increase violence against Americans.
This is based on the false assumption that they are fighting us because we are doing things they don't like. Actually they are fighting us because of imperatives within the Islamic faith. They will never like us unless we convert to Islam or submit to Islamic rule.

From CNN:
"If we move from that location, the story will be the radicals have taken over the discourse," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told CNN's Soledad O'Brien on "Larry King Live."

"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack."

The imam, who repeatedly said his mission was to promote peace and build a bridge among faiths, said he was also speaking about "radicals" on both sides of the debate on the Islamic center. "Our national security now hinges on how we negotiate this, how we speak about it."

"The battlefront is between moderates of all sides... and the radicals on all sides," he said.

Moving the project to another location would strengthen Islamist radicals' ability to recruit followers and will likely increase violence against Americans, the imam said.

Rauf said that "nothing is off the table" when asked whether he would consider moving the site.
"We are consulting, talking to various people about how to do this so that we negotiate the best and safest option.

He is telling us that, if he doesn't get to everything exactly the way he wants to do it, then Muslims the world over will rise up in anger against us, and do what? Kill us even more?

Imagine if a Christian leader said such a thing. "We want everyone to know that, if abortion Drs. do not stop killing babies, our national security will be at risk "

Imagine that.

He is telling us we must bend our will because Jihadists will kill us if we don't do what Jihadists want us to do.

As I've said before, BRING IT ON.

If Muslims believe they must kill us for being us, AND THEY DO, then let them kill us.

The sooner we learn the lesson, the better for us. The sooner we start understanding that we really can not help being at war, when the war is brought to us, the better.

The longer we wait, the more terrible this war will become.

If we wait until the entire Muslim world is stocked with nuclear weapons, then the war will result in the destruction of all civilization.

If we choose to fight now, we can beat back this enemy with a minimum of bloodshed.

So, bring it on, Feisal. Bring it on, bitch.

There's more video. Go to Atlas to get the whole thing.


revereridesagain said...

You can be he has spent this tax-funded, State Department-sponsored ME gambit planning the "spontaneous reaction" to the GZ mosque protests and the Krayon burnings. As Pastorius says, "Bring it on, bitch".

I'm going to spend the next day and a half (I leave for NYC very early Saturday morning) trying to find as many people in my area as I can who will be ready to stage protests of defiance the minute the Islamist violence starts. This story has to be wrenched away from the MSM, who will spin it to bolster any Obumma calls for censorship if our protests "result" in attacks.

Anonymous said...

in the immortal words of will smith in men in black,

as he deliberately steps on cockroaches, dont start nothin and thier wont be nothin.

suck on that rauf.

Anonymous said...

RRA, I agree that Rauf's recent tax payer funded trip was emulating the fraudulent Danish Imam Ahmad Abu Laban in his mission.

He should be arrested and charged with sedition and instigating violence.

Epaminondas said...

"He should be arrested and charged with sedition and instigating violence."
You should be in stand up

Rauf by his backing is now enshrined in the untouchable hall. He MUST be a symbol of Kumbaya or all pols are in the wrong.

It will take concrete evidence of him getting ready to plan killing Americans to make a dent.

The coded comment he is making will not persuade anyone except those who understand and are listening closely, and of course, the Ikwhan who are the real audience.

But Rauf is now among the PROTECTED. JUst ask Bloomberg

revereridesagain said...

Anon -- Yes, it is rather following the pattern set by the Danish Imam. Except that Rauf is cranking up the riots in advance to take advantage of the more advantageous timing.

Christine said...

The coded comment he is making will not persuade anyone except those who understand and are listening closely, and of course, the Ikwhan who are the real audience.

I totally agree. Those who have chosen to stay ignorant have their heads buried so far in the sand. If they themselves along with their family were attacked and killed by our enemies, they would blame us, cause we were mean, racist and convoluted nazies or something.

G-d give us strength for we really need it now.

Pastorius said...

Hey, if you bury your head in the sand, the Muslims won't have any reason to cut it off.

Pastorius said...

Of course, they will anyway.

Christine said...

The one's with their head in the sand, could very well be the first to go.

They are after all, usually pretty close to them, being useful idiots.