It hasn't gotten much press, but a former White House insider has reportedly dished the dirt on President Obama -- and the revelations sound plausible indeed.

That [Obama hates Joe Biden] is very well known in the White House. Obama chose Biden for one reason – to have an older white guy with some international policy credentials. Period. If Biden has all of this international experience that Obama found so valuable, why has he buried him under the pile of crap that became the stimulus bill? ...Give Joe a job and get him the hell out of my hair – that pretty much sums up the president’s feelings...
...Obama is scared to death of Hillary. He doesn’t trust her – obsesses over her almost as much as he does Fox News... when it comes down to it, she has played the game on a far tougher level than he has, and Obama knows that...
...we were all led to believe that this guy was some kind of intellectual giant, right? Ivy League and all that. Well, that is not what I saw. Barack Obama doesn’t have a whole lot of intellectual curiosity. When he is off script, he is what I call a real 'slow talker'. Lots of ummms, and lots of time in between answers where you can almost see the little wheel in his head turning very slowly. I am not going to say the president is a dumb man, because he is not, but yeah, there was a definite letdown when you actually hear him talking without the script...
...I don’t know [how bad things are in the White House] about right now, because I have not been there in over a month. But I still hear things, and [it's] not good. As bad as it might look to voters based on what they do know, it’s much worse. The infighting is off the charts. You got a Chief of Staff who despises cabinet members, advisors who despise the Chief of Staff, a President and First Lady having their own issues...
...I don’t have a problem saying that the president is losing it. I don’t mean he is like losing his mind. I mean to say that he is losing whatever spark he had during the campaign. When you take away the crowds, Obama gets noticeably smaller. He shrinks up inside of himself. He just doesn’t seem to have the confidence to do the job of President, and it’s getting worse and worse. Case in point – just a few days before I left, I saw first hand the President of the United States yelling at a member of his staff. He was yelling like a spoiled child. And then he pouted for several moments after. I wish I was kidding, or exaggerating, but I am not. The President of the United States threw a temper tantrum. The jobs reports are always setting him off, and he is getting increasingly conspiratorial over the unemployment numbers. I never heard it myself, but was told that Obama thinks the banking system is out to get him now. That they and the big industries are making him pay for trying to regulate them more. That is the frame of mind the President is in these days. And you know what? Maybe he is right, who knows?
...I am going to come right out and say it – No [, another four years of Obama would not be a good thing]. Obama is not up to the job of being president. He simply doesn’t seem to care about the work involved. You want to know what? Obama is lazy. He really is. And it is getting worse and worse. Would another four years of Obama be the best thing for America? No it would not. What this country needs is a president who is focused on the job more than on themselves. Obama is not that individual. I actually hope he doesn’t run again. Looking back, as much fun as the campaign in 2008 was, Hillary Clinton should have been the nominee. Hillary was ready to be president. Obama was not ready. He had never lost a campaign. [Ed: not true, he lost a campaign for Congress in 2000] Everything was handed to him. He doesn’t really understand the idea of work – real, hard, get your heart and soul into it work. And frankly, that is very disappointing to a whole lot of us...
I think he needs a long vacation.
Life is becoming one big Atlas Shrugged and Obambi is James Taggart: lazy, petulant, power-hungry, resentful, competent at avoidance behavior but not much else.
Taggart's first words in the novel: "Don't bother me, don't bother me, don't bother me."
During the campaign he lived the Alinsky/Weathermen/LiberationTheology/NOI dream but now the fantasy is over and the reality is just not living up to it for him.
Plus his old lady is whining to Carla Bruni about how lousy her life is.
It is scary, however, to hear this insider say that Obama can still win in 2012. No. He must be defeated. We'll be lucky to get through 2 more years of this, let alone 6.
RRA, the James Taggart analogy is excellent.
All the vacations, parties and golf outings of recent weeks appear to confirm this insiders take on Obama's mood.
I agree with this insider that Mitt Romney is no match for Obama in a campaign.
The Republican Party made the same kind of mistake in 2008. John McCain was not a viable candidate.
In fact, I'm sorry to say, the Republican Party has no viable candidates at this date.
Chris Christie, perhaps, could have won, but his recent stand against the New Jersey worker fired for Koran-burning has caused me to hate the guy.
Whether other Americans would feel the same, I don't know. Chris Christie certainly has the ability to capture the imagination.
Sarah Palin is a great charismatic figure, but I think a campaign would destroy her.
This pretty much say's what we have known all along.
It's good to hear it from an insider.
OMG, another non choice for the GOP would be a disaster.
Cause it would mean another 4 years of this fool.
If he does end up in the WH for another 4 yrs, who knows how far he'll allow his paranoia go.
But then again, we could have the first murder in the WH, by the sounds of the atmosphere there.
Thank God the insiders know who Obama is. IBA....just stumbled onto you from the Weasel the blog. You are one of my favorites.
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