Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Bill Maher Will Not Take His Anti-Islam Statement Back, Up The Ante, Says Our Culture Is Better

And, he's right, of course.

We are learning that, whatever many of us don't like about Bill Maher, he's not morally-void relativist. I'm hoping his words are causing seismic tremors in the ground underneath the homes of my lefty friends.

And, let us not forget that this criticism of Islam is not a new thing with Maher (though he is making himself even clearer now).


Damien said...


Good, for him. My respect for him just went up.

American Rose said...

Bill sat there and said nothing about the Ground Zero place of warship on past shows this season. If he really knew didley about the totalitarian HORROR that is PISSLAM, he would know that that societal takeover is not going to happen in 200-300 years, but more like the next fucking twenty years. He has spoken out in the past, and I've been very grateful, but he's cowered in the face of his leftist friends as of late, and now is not the time to cower to PISSLAM. And Bill, there is no free, democratic coxuntry in PISSLAM. NOT ONE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Bill. AND GET WITH THE PROGRAM.

Bill has a big leftist crowd who does not know that every other verse in PISSLAM'S unholy book is "Death to everyone who is not PISSLAMIC." I know he's putting his life on line, because pisslamics are so irrational and violent, but what better cause than our freedoms and traditions? I WILL NEVER BE PISSLAMIC. I PISS ON PISSLAM.

Anonymous said...

The 200/300 years notion belies once again that lefties always base their judgments on error. At current trends we're probably looking at civil war in at most 20 years in the UK

Actually I'd say for a guy who thinks this is that long of a prospect, he's pretty damn aggressive.

christian soldier said...

why does it take a lefitst to boldly and succinctly tell and illustrate the truth about the religion of "peace".. and oppression!

never thought I'd say this-but-GO BILL Maher!!!

Always On Watch said...

Good on him.

Silverfiddle said...

Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens are two honest liberals who get it.

Maher may be irritating, but he sees Islam for what it is: a violent threat to our classical liberal freedoms.

revereridesagain said...

There is still good in him, Obi-Wan! (Apologies to Vader, but I couldn't resist.)

Well-stated from Maher, and yes, I think it does send a shudder through leftists to hear this from one of their own. Maher has already decided which side he's on in this, and as things progress (or regress) they won't be able to get away with just playing their PC/MC games, they'll have to take stands on these fundamental issues too.

Whether you are religious or, like me and probably Maher and certainly Hitchens, Unbelievers, we can all stand together against Theocracy.

Islam is sort of like "Independence Day" and "Mars Attacks", where the humans all get together to fight the aliens.

Either learn to play nice with others, or GET THE HELL OFF OUR PLANET!

Pastorius said...

Well said, RRA.

A couple people here criticized Maher for the "300 years" comment. And, rightly so. It's rather amazing that he is aware enough of the demographic problem, but not the reality.

If one population is having three times as children than the other population, and the other population is pro-creating at barely replacement rate, then the first population will take over in a lot less than 300 years.

As my wife said, when I showed her this video, "Try fifty."

But, he gets the problem, at the least. And, he understands that it is ideological/cultural, and the really amazing thing is, he is willing to say, not only that he prefers our ideology/culture, but that OURS IS BETTER.

How do you think Maher's comments would have played at the Stewart/Colbert rally the other day?

Epaminondas said...

Since he believes anyone who believes in any god suffers from a neurological disorder, he is being very consistent since the factual requirements of THAT religion (disorder) are far more strenuous and offensive towards non sufferers than any other.

Who knows, maybe he was slated to receive a package from his Yemeni pals, thus concentrating his attention

revereridesagain said...

Maher would've been welcomed like the Red Death at the Masque in Poe's story. (Or, in the Phantom of the Opera version, "I Am the Red Death Stalking A Broad".)

I see where they now supsect the 9/2/10 UPS plane crash in Dubai was a "dry run" for the package bomb plot. Pretty sorry state when the "dry run" works and the real plot tanks, O Bold Sons of the Desert.

And somebody threw a "bomb" over the wall of the Swiss embassy in Athens this morning, but in Athens that probably could have been anyone.

Epaminondas said...


Actually funny.

furmanator said...

Spot On as they say.