Monday, November 01, 2010

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof - The Catman Stephen's Real Thoughts.

Understand, this video is titled wrongly, not because we don't know how to spell Yusuf Islam's old name, but because, he has gone on a legal tear across the world, attempting to make sure you never see it.

The first few images you will see in the video are screen shots at YouTube, telling you that Catman Stephens owns rights to these videos, and therefore, we have infringed upon a copywright.

C'mon now, how could Catman Stephens own rights to this old British TV show, huh?


revereridesagain said...

He went by the name Cat Stevens when he was sane and writing good music. Now he is a strict Muslim and an enemy, and we do not owe "rights" to those who openly advocate our destruction.

Hey Cat, time to get aboard that ol' Peace Train and go bye-bye. Come back when you can't stay so long.

Epaminondas said...

Steven Seymour Katz

Pastorius said...

That's his real name? There's some trivia I did not know.