Sunday, November 07, 2010

Egyptian Child Preacher: “A Child Must Be Raised on Love of Jihad, Desire to be Martyr for Allah”

Child-preacher Ammar Al-Rahma TV (Egypt) – October 8, 2010: A child must be raised on the love of Jihad, and on the desire to be martyred for the sake of Allah. The tree of Islam is irrigated with blood, not with water.

Embedding the spirit of Jihad within the soul of the child is one of the most important things that educators should deal with, especially in this day and age, when the law of Islam is absent from the Islamic countries, a time when the sun of the glory of Islam has set, a time when sovereignty is in the hands of the tyrants, when the Islamic Caliphate has been abolished, and when the Islamic countries have become a target for all the greedy peopl


Claudia said...

Peaceful guy indeed!

Telling this to children should be a crime. What childhood are they going to have?

Anonymous said...

It should be a crime, however, the more I see it, the better I feel.

Taqiyya covered the eyes of teh world spreading especially fast since the hippy movement (because everyone wanted to love and make love and everything was just rosy). Now slowly, with these videos, the truth about Islam comes out.

Are these children innocent? Of course they are but that doesn't mean they, the children, are no dangerous. Because they believe (starting at age 10 if not 7) this stuff just as strongly as an adult. Of course that doesn't change the fact that they are puppets in the hands of the adults in their societies.

WHat I am trying to say is, they are preachging what they believe without putting the cloth of deception over it. That I admire. I would love to fight an enemy that has the balls to call it what it is. Fighting an enemy who lies until he gets behind your back and backstabs you ain't no fun!